Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Website Wednesday
I'm really getting worried about the national election next Tuesday. The worst possible scenario would be the ascent of the Republicans or their shadow arm, the Tea Baggers. The second worst possible scenario would be that Democrats retain control of both houses and stagnant us in a capitalistic nightmare.
Oh well. What, me worry?
On a local note, I'm beginning to write down all the topics covered in the boy's math packets. I missed the first packet because I didn't realize the math curriculum had changed. But here are the topics I copied down from the second packet:
Basic math: addition, subtraction, etc
Fact triangles: product at one angle and factors at other two
Multiples of numbers and factors of number
Mystery numbers: If you add me to 12, I’m ……; If you subtract me from 5, I’m ……. What am I?
Number Sentences: 3 + 4 = 2 + 5, etc
Open Sentences: math sentences with a variable: 5 + 3 = 4 + n and Find for n
Order of Operations: use of parentheses in equations
Rule problems: 5, 10, 15, 20….. What’s the rule? Answer: +5
T or F math sentences: 7 +2 = 5 + 3; T or F; if F make it T
Word problems with extraneous information
Now, as I see it, they work on these packets for about two weeks and then take an all inclusive test on all the topics. Great for 4th graders who are getting grades for the first time (no more check, check plus, or check minus) plus complicated math! Good planning, Curriculum Director.
But I do have a website, Brilliant at Breakfast:
I've been reading this blog for some time. I particularly liked the October 10, 2010 entry:
We are a profoundly ignorant. People don't know anything about their own religions. We know little of our own history, let alone our history in context with the rest of the world. We worship sports heroes who torture dogs, but we point at scientists and laugh. A profoundly messed-up woman like Christine O'Donnell can run on a platform of "See? I can't manage my finances either. I'm you." We had eight years of a dry drunk as president because people thought he was the guy they'd want to have a beer with -- as if that were ever going to happen. Now there are people who would vote to give the nuclear codes to an aging high school mean girl because they'd like to fuck her -- as if that's ever going to happen. Smart people are regarded with scorn as "elites." Ignorance is regarded as a virtue.
This is how an empire dies. And we are going to be around to see it.
We are all so fucked!
No lists here; no cute pictures; no fun. But definitely worthwhile reads. Don't forget to click on the other "Brilliant Bloggers" in the right column. It might take you weeks to get through all of them.
But don't forget to take time out to vote.
Back soon.
Oh well. What, me worry?
On a local note, I'm beginning to write down all the topics covered in the boy's math packets. I missed the first packet because I didn't realize the math curriculum had changed. But here are the topics I copied down from the second packet:
Basic math: addition, subtraction, etc
Fact triangles: product at one angle and factors at other two
Multiples of numbers and factors of number
Mystery numbers: If you add me to 12, I’m ……; If you subtract me from 5, I’m ……. What am I?
Number Sentences: 3 + 4 = 2 + 5, etc
Open Sentences: math sentences with a variable: 5 + 3 = 4 + n and Find for n
Order of Operations: use of parentheses in equations
Rule problems: 5, 10, 15, 20….. What’s the rule? Answer: +5
T or F math sentences: 7 +2 = 5 + 3; T or F; if F make it T
Word problems with extraneous information
Now, as I see it, they work on these packets for about two weeks and then take an all inclusive test on all the topics. Great for 4th graders who are getting grades for the first time (no more check, check plus, or check minus) plus complicated math! Good planning, Curriculum Director.
But I do have a website, Brilliant at Breakfast:
I've been reading this blog for some time. I particularly liked the October 10, 2010 entry:
We are a profoundly ignorant. People don't know anything about their own religions. We know little of our own history, let alone our history in context with the rest of the world. We worship sports heroes who torture dogs, but we point at scientists and laugh. A profoundly messed-up woman like Christine O'Donnell can run on a platform of "See? I can't manage my finances either. I'm you." We had eight years of a dry drunk as president because people thought he was the guy they'd want to have a beer with -- as if that were ever going to happen. Now there are people who would vote to give the nuclear codes to an aging high school mean girl because they'd like to fuck her -- as if that's ever going to happen. Smart people are regarded with scorn as "elites." Ignorance is regarded as a virtue.
This is how an empire dies. And we are going to be around to see it.
We are all so fucked!
No lists here; no cute pictures; no fun. But definitely worthwhile reads. Don't forget to click on the other "Brilliant Bloggers" in the right column. It might take you weeks to get through all of them.
But don't forget to take time out to vote.
Back soon.