Monday, September 29, 2008

I Didn’t Buy The Yarn

I didn’t go to a big yarn sale this weekend. I was tempted for a few minutes but, the day after, I don’t have any regrets. Especially since I rearranged some yarn and made wondrous discoveries of forgotten yarns.

And this got me thinking about changing memes.

What if this society decides not to shop? What if for economic reasons and “moral” reasons people decide that American consumption is “over the top” and it’s time to get back to basics.

I’m not even saying that this would be a good thing - cleanse the soul, blah, blah - but just suppose this happens.

What will it do to our economy and our future? This isn’t the 20th century where we can manufacture ourselves out of a depression. So many other countries are nipping at our heels with superior talents and goods.

It is a scary time. But I do find knitting very peaceful.

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