Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sermon on Sunday

What follows is the e-mail I just sent to Preisdient Obama regarding a national health care plan. If you haven't thought about the health care system in the U.S., please think about it now.

If you are a U.S. citizen and favor a national health care plan, please contact your representatives and President Obama. If you are a citizen of a country with a national health care system, also contact President Obama. - will take you to their e-mail addresses.

The swiftboating of a national health care plan has already begun. Our President needs encouragement.

Remember, this is the United States, the only country where monied interests can convince citizens to spit in their own faces. It takes a special breed of human to take the "trickle down" the monied classes hand us and smile for more. Even a dog knows when he's been kicked.

This is another defining moment for my country. It's time to stand up and be counted.

(e-mail to President Obama)

Dear President Obama,

Please institute a single payer national health care system based on the successful Medicare model. And not a “pie in the sky” plan of affordable medical insurance for all.

I know this will be difficult given the fact that pharmaceutical, insurance and medical lobbies contribute so heavily to our obscenely expensive election campaigns and they view a national health plan as an anathema to their profits.

However, there are moments in history when leaders must stand against the very monied few.

Healthcare is a human right; not a privilege based on ability to pay. If necessary, taxes must be raised to pay for this right.

Unfortunately, we are truly standing over the abyss regarding healthcare. Employment hiring and personal and business bankruptcies are just two major areas which will be affected by the health care decision.

Lyndon Johnson gave us Medicare in the middle of the last century. A national health care plan for all Americans can be achieved.

Best of luck.

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