Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Movie Monday
Being on a summer schedule, I'm not posting regularly but I do have a review of Eclipse. The girl saw the advanced screening last Wednesday night. (It was booked as a 9 pm show but people were lining up by 4 pm so the theater got permission to run the movie at 7 pm. By the time she left a little after 9 pm, the parking lot was packed with the line for the midnight showing.)
Reading the answers to the questions I asked her, you'll soon realize she loved the movie. Plus, although she is Team Jacob, she won a life-sized cutout of Edward (yes, it's 6'1" tall) which resides in her room so it's the first thing she sees when she awakens. Of course, there may be something in the animosity between wolves and vampires because Miss M growls at Edward all the time - the only one in the house who does.
A 12 year old's Eclipse review:
1. What were your favorite scenes?
The sex scenes. Bella and Edward on the bed kissing and trying to undress each other. Esme holding a newborn and Carlisle karate chopping the head off. (Note: I’m assuming that’s not a sex scene.)
2. What were your least favorite scenes?
Liked them all.
3. Was this movie better than the other two? Why?
Totally better because of the director, the CGIs, and the graphically violent scenes. Plus, the story line.
4. Did the character of Edward, Bella and Jacob change from the first movies? How?
Yes, Bella is between the “person who she is and who she should be.” Jacob is more protective. Edward seems more loving.
5. Were there any plots from the book which were ignored in the movie? Which ones? Did you miss them?
Some dialogue was missing when Jacob kisses Bella. Charlie doesn’t support Jacob (after the unwanted kiss) as he does in the book. I missed this. “It was funny.”
6. Were any plots added to the movie which weren’t in the book? Which ones? Did they help the plot?
The motorcycle scene where Bella goes off with Jacob and leaves Edward. It didn’t help the plot.
7. If you hadn’t read the book(s) would you understand what was happening in the movie?
Probably not. I wouldn’t have understood the Volturi and about ½ of the plot.
8. This is called a horror movie. Was it? Why?
Yes. Vampire killing innocent people. Heads ripped off.
9. What about the special effects? Which ones were great? Which ones weren’t?
Wolves were the best. Not too good were the clumps of ice which appeared when the vampires’ heads come off.
10. Were the main actors better/worse in this movie?
Bella was the same. Edward and Jacob were much better.
11. In the book, Bella is very upset that she hurts Jacob (the crying all night scene), did she feel the same way in the movie?
Not really. (Note: a lot of online discussion of this change and Bella’s ending monologue as to why she wants to become a vampire.)
12. What was missing from the movie which you would have liked to have seen?
When Charlie says in the book after Jacob’s forced kiss: Good for you, kid.
13. What was added to the movie which you felt was “fluff” to fill time?
Alice’s party and the talk afterward.
14. What about the tent scene? Was it different from the book? Did you like it? Why?
Close to the book. It was very good.
15. How about Bree? Was she what you expected? Why? Why not?
She was. I had seen her like that. She acts like that.
16. Some critics say that Victoria was not mean enough. Do you agree?
She was like a snake; watching then running away slowly.
17. To me, the middle of New Moon was loooong. How about Eclipse? Did it “leave you wanting more?”
Yes. It was amazing.
17a: What more?
Breaking Dawn
18. Were the fight scenes realistic?
19. Who were your favorite minor characters? Why?
Bree. Alice. The Cullens. Leah was too stuck up, snotty.
20. Did the movie make you feel that Bella had really thought out her decision to become a vampire?
I kinda felt she was rushing into it because she was afraid of changing her mind.
21. Other comments?
Charlie was very funny. When is Breaking Dawn coming out?
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