Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings

Website Wednesday

Last night, before I watched Real Time with Bill Maher and Jimmy Carter said the same thing, I said to my husband that Republican control of the House might be the making of Obama. Sometimes, leaders need a challenge (and not only one from their own party) in order to find their voice.

Howard Zinn said (via Bill Moyers) that "If you go and do the right thing NOW, and you do it long enough good things will happen --"

Food for thought.

A quick Website Wednesday since the same husband mentioned above is going to be taking a live half-day course from The Netherlands on the Internet in less than two hours. This course helps fulfill his credits for re-certification in his profession and I don't think I'm allowed to disturb him - even if I catch fire.

My pick: - Psychology Today or Psych Lite.

A lot of interesting topics here. The staff looks magazine and web site orientated but the articles seem to be written by professional in their fields.

The articles are current and many are Oprah/like: Adjusting to Being Single Again: What We Can Tell by Listening for Just 30 Seconds or Reality Bites: Freudian Fangs/Team Edward, and Twilight Goes to Therapy or Words Have Power.

Take a look at their Diagnosis Dictionary. The advice looks solid. (Of course, you should always see your medical professional and not rely solely on websites for diagnoses.)

Also, look at Psych Basics. You can spend a month with all these topics; probably more. Once again, the information look solid.

So whether you're depressed, elated, mad, sad, you know, just feeling human, take a look at Psychology Today. Bring the coffee pot; it'll be a long visit.

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