Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
Something is being lost in the controversy over Mitt Romney’s, US presidential candidate (R), secretly recorded and then released remarks at a fundraising event when he said that 47% of the US population are lazy moochers on the dole. Even right wing pundits are defending this 47% by saying that he was wrong to criticize them because most of this group is hard working though needy or too old to work and therefore receiving Social Security and Medicare; this latter group containing the much cherished Republican voting base: older, white males. But this type of criticism still allows Romney to set the meme: the government allows people to be lazy moochers by providing the dole and only criticizes him because he picked on the wrong people. They’re not disagreeing with his basic premise, just tweaking it. And they and he completely do a "wink wink, you guys are OK” to all the rich in this country who can scam the system legally every day with help from corrupt, buyable lawmakers.
It seems to me our government should be there to assist its citizens and I don’t mean in tax breaks for the rich. The government should see that every citizen is provided with what are basic rights in an enlightened society: health care, education, employment. But for some reason, our much touted "best constitution in the whole world ever even though it's racist" always has that part in its preamble forgotten. You know, the part that says "promote the general welfare" Hey, our much beloved founders even managed to get in the word welfare!
It seems to me our government should be there to assist its citizens and I don’t mean in tax breaks for the rich. The government should see that every citizen is provided with what are basic rights in an enlightened society: health care, education, employment. But for some reason, our much touted "best constitution in the whole world ever even though it's racist" always has that part in its preamble forgotten. You know, the part that says "promote the general welfare" Hey, our much beloved founders even managed to get in the word welfare!
My first website pick:
is really only in for a quick one page view but what a page! Talk about great examples of, take your pick, anal retentive, obsessive compulsive, just plain nuts. However, there is some satisfaction in bringing order to disorder.
You can go to:
for pages of more interesting pictures from this site. Sorry I can't say more but this is not a language I know (Spanish? Portuguese?) It's times like these that I wish I had listened more in my language courses. (Does that sentence remind anyone of Daudet's The Last Lesson?)
OK, I'm on a roll. I love these drawings by Flying Mouse on the website Wave Avenue. WA is one of those sites where you submit your work. From its About: Wave Avenue is a visual blogging community filled with ideas, design inspirations and creative booms for the smart, playful, friendly and curious. We are inviting you to sign up get linked and perhaps start a conversation. We hope to let you share ideas and connect the way you do in a café.
Be sure to click on Blog Categories at the top. There's a lot of design and architectural postings but any site with Endearing Best Friends + Pet Photography is aces in my book.
Once again, you can submit to Geek Fill and it says of itself: GeekFill takes pride in finding the best funny images, rage comics and memes across the web so you can get your fill of geekiness. Be sure to check back every day as we're constantly adding new funny images to GeekFill.
You have 853 pages to scroll through at present and it's quite a scenic panoply. This is a happy site so be sure not to miss the laughing turtle. See you next Wednesday.
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