Monday, January 5, 2009

Movie Monday

The painter will be here in four hours. Every piece of furniture is 2 feet from the wall. The whole place has been vacuumed and dusted. I have no idea if I’m going to like the color since I wear black and beige - the true sign of a person with no color sense.

I have a lot of ideas for redecorating this place once the painting is done. Which is pretty confident for someone with no color sense.

I think I’ll go for the open look now. I might incorporate my hobbies into the “living space” not regulate it to loneliness and angst in far away bins.

Ah, the joy we humans get in rearranging the deck chairs.......

But right now, the reality is sinking in: 5 days of painting in here. Where am I going to hide?

On to my movie review.

Movie Trailer Review: Marley & Me

Let’s cut to the chase.

Just go see Marley and Me. I don’t care if it’s a lousy movie; the dog makes it. Whatever happens, that dog is going to carry this movie.

No CGI; just Marley. The trailers don’t demand REM. You just flow with the dog and its owners and the world. Cuteness overflows. The second trailer is just the beach running scene from Chariots of Fire. First, with Marley running blissfully along the shore and finally his owners running to catch him, calling “Marley.” Perhaps the scene is not that blissful.

But it’s the New Year. The world is going to hell. Watch a movie about a cute dog; it can’t hurt.

A disclaimer: I don’t have a dog at present. I don’t want a dog at present or in the future. But it’s the weirdest thing: dogs really (and I mean really) like me. Puppies run up to me. Grown dogs stop to look at me. Beats me why, but we must have some sort of bond. Never a believer in reincarnation but it’s sort of like we all share a common past. Like I’m the only human not descended from the apes but from the dogs. Spooky!

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