Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Website Wednesday

It really was an historic day yesterday in the U.S. I can’t recall in recent history, or far past history, a mixed race (and I hate that term) man becoming the leader of a western industrialized country. If Hillary Clinton had been elected, that wouldn’t have been so great since women have played leadership roles in Europe for a long, long time.

I’d like to think that we were trying to shed our racist past, but I doubt it. Everything was in place for a Democratic victory in ‘08. In fact, I think the Republicans also wanted this. They had plundered the country economically; destroyed civil liberties; and taken money from needed social services. They had dug such a hole for all of us why should they stay around to help with the clean-up. And, in four years, with the electorate’s memory being so short, they will repackage themselves and sell their candidate by decrying what evils the Democrats have done to the country.

But it is the dawn of a new administration and let’s have hope for better days, if only for a little while.

is the website for today. It’s a very specialized website: all about tea.

I thought something soothing after all the angst of the last eight years would be appropriate. And what is more soothing than a cup of tea?

Take a look at the website and learn about the history of Lipton Tea and the caffeine amount in green tea; or look at weird and wacky teapots.

Click the blogs listed at the right and learn about tea mascots, find tea reviews, or read about Taiwan and tea competitions. Dig more deeply and you’ll discover a tea forum which is up-to-date. Teas have been with us through the ages and a lot has been written about it and history.

So take a look. I bet in no time at all, you’ll be putting the kettle on for a cuppa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the mention of my site! Glad you liked it:)