Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Woes on Wednesday

I’m reading less and less about Israel’s bombing and invasion of Gaza on the web. The Huffington Post ran pictures before the invasion but today it’s under “More Politics” after the “Who Stayed in the Blair House” article. Buried in the middle of the page on the Christian Science Monitor is: Deepening Israeli assault on Hamas divides Arab world. It leads in “Other News” with: Israel offers short respite from strikes in

The liberal blogs I read have been unusually quiet on this issue. I read nothing about wide-scale protests from religious groups; though I’m sure they are doing a lot of symbolic praying on their days of worship.

Only Al-Jazeera is running pictures today with the lead: School hit piles pressure on Israel.

Anyone reading this blog knows I’m a pacificist but beyond that; why isn’t there outrage when a school is bombed?

Have we so desensitized ourselves and reverted back to caveman (and I may be insulting cavemen, here) mentality that only if it’s our school, our dead, our problem do we even raise a flicker of interest.

When did man decide to call himself civilized and still approve death and destruction?

Civilization is defined as: An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society.

Perhaps, we should add: and a blood-thirsty lust for death and destruction as long as his societal needs and desires are being fulfilled or not affected, by this carnage.

Come on, people. Do something to move forward the human race. Be the moralist you think you are.

Stop the carnage. They are all our children

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