Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday (and book recommendation)

First, a book recommendation: White Protestant Nation: The Rise of the American Conservative Movement by Allan J. Lichtman which I picked up at the Dollar Tree. (For $1, since the Dollar Tree prides itself on "Everything for $1" and I pride myself at being cheap.)

A lot of times, older people will say: Times were never like this in this country when I was younger. And I will say: Yes, they were. Except in your day the 1% capitalists didn't have to screw the middle class to make their fortune.

Lichtman documents the rise of the white, Protestant conservative movement starting at almost 100 years ago (1920) but while the emphasis is on conservative, he's really mapping out how capitalism has used this "moral" conservative movement for its own ends. (It's darkly amusing to read that in the 1920s, Congress was thought of as only working for monied interests.)

Some reviewers have criticized that Lichtman has a line of demarcation between Catholics, Jews and other minorities and his bogeyman, the white Protestant. For, as we know today, many in those minorities are the loudest proponents of the conservative movement. (Can you say Clarence Thomas, Norman Podhoretz or Pat Buchanan?)

I do think if he were going to narrow his sights on just white Protestants it would have served him better to begin at the Mayflower crossing and not 300 years later; for, like it our not, conservative ideas are bred in the American bone.

Having said that, I still recommend Lichtman's book as a massive summary of how conservatism in the US has operated for the last 100 years. It's important for all of us to realize that neither Barry Goldwater or Ronald Reagan were its founding fathers.

I haven't read enough to know if Lichtman touches on my belief that to be a capitalist is to be a conservative since the founding principle of capitalism is to produce and conserve wealth. But there are hundreds of pages for me to read and anything could lie ahead.
LinkFor my website pick I have:

Which consists of one of my favorites: lists, lists and more lists. The site owner is a blogger. No, he says he is a young passionate blogger and entrepreneur. He also blogs at:

where you get videos, short reviews and writings on random topics.

Jijo Sunny says of himself:I am Jijo Sunny (G), 17 year old passionate blogger and 11th grade student from India. is where I pen down my random thoughts.

Professionally, I’m a search engine consultant, affiliate marketer and the happy webmaster of numerous blogs and websites. The worst (or maybe the best) part of me is that I just love to try everything that comes to my mind. Even if it is too bad, too hard or even too risky. Innovation is my keyword – and Forbes list of billionaires is my inspiration. :)

Both sites haven't been updated in over a month but he's only 17 and there's a lot of archival info to amuse you. I like Top 10 Ways to Clean Your Room. Clever, though probably not "mom recommended."

So give both sites a look. Even though, as a mom, all I can approve of his doing in his statement: I just love to try everything that comes to my mind. Even if it is too bad, too hard or even too risky. is the "too hard" part.


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