Capitalism - Feudalism
without the Kings
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Website Wednesday
Just a few random U.S. political questions before I move on to some random website picks.
1. Will Mitt "the Mormon" Romney bring in the essential Republican Southern Baptist vote?
2. Can the Republicans achieve enough voter suppression (need to have I.D. to vote, etc.) in key states so that question #1 won't matter?
3. Has the Obama presidential strategy of "reaching across the aisle" widen his voter support base?
4. Since youth were energized for Obama in 2008 and if you consider drug legalization a youth issue, how will Obama's unrelenting pursuit of "illegal" drug enforcement (even banning medical marijuana) affect this support?
5. And finally, if exercise really does prolong life (see Huffington Post today) which means so many more years of dealing with Yahoos, should I just abandon hope and make the couch my home?
Let's move on to my random picks today and, considering question #5, I'll start with this one:
where you plug in the calorie intake you want for the day and it gives you a menu with an option button (Generator Options, right side) for more menu choices. This menu can be divided into one to nine meals (though with "diet" calories, more than 4 meals seems useless) and each meal lists its nutritional value. You will not believe the horror I faced when I plugged in 1200 calories and, outside of plain veggies, fruit and cottage cheese, I got a cup of plain whole wheat pasta and 1/4 pound of sausage (1 link; and really not a good meat product.) So, after finding that out, I'm having a dish of plain fruit, a power bar (300 calories but 30 grams of protein) for breakfast, and a cup of no-fat plain Greek yogurt (140 calories and 22 grams of protein) over a thin layer of fresh peanut butter (100 calories?) on a popper (15 calories) for dinner. How depressing!
But this is a very good site, easy to use, informational, educational, and depressing (but in a good way!)
This site, I bookmarked for the girl:
You write (and I mean "mouse" write not keyboard write) in an equation in the ample space provided and within seconds you get an answer with interesting facts about the answer. I see it as a two-fer. Math help and handwriting practice. Go take a look and bring your math book.
Finally, I'm really going off the reservation with this one:
and giving you a site which represents my soul - No, that's a "liar, liar pants on fire" statement but Ainars games is where I go to relax. A tiny bit of background: When the kids were newborn, I used to play Doom before dawn to relax. Now, for the infrequent times I'm alone in the car, I blast Credence Clearwater Revival. Hey, everyone has to relax; this is my yoga.
Ainars games are not the most challenging games out there (I like to play their Room Escape variety), those would be the mathematically-based Japanese language games. But with Ainars games, it's like opening the door and seeing a dear friend. I know the drill: you find the code papers, turn the switches, get the screwdriver for the hidden panels, the hammer for the cracks in the wall, the brush for the messages behind the dirt.......... OK, truth-time, even with such game familiarity, I still need the walk-through at times.
So, do take a look at my three picks today and be sure to play some games if you have the time. Which reminds me, Ainars has a new feature on its site today: a list of over 200 games, many of them room escape. Gotta go! Enjoy.
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