Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday

A fast posting because I must be somewhere at 8 and, though I awakened at 4 am, I fell back asleep. Or rather I said to myself: You're either going to lie down or drop onto the computer desk and break your nose. White Protestant Nation: The Rise of the American Conservative Movement by Allan J. Lichtman did the "nighty-nighty" trick once I lay down on the couch. I'm only up to the1920s but I like that Lichtman did the research and a lot of the political memes I believed about that decade, he's debunking.

Let's start with:

which says of itself: :Dump a day is simple  collection of various pictures grouped together under a certain topic.   Pretty simple, nothing fancy.   I love the internet for it's ability to show me endless pages of random nothingness to help me pass the time that is my life.   This site is a reflection of that.  Just endless posts of pictures that I have found either interesting or bizarre enough to post. If you would like to use one of the posts on your own site, (or "take a dump" post…   *pun intended*)  please feel free.  A link back would be cool, but obviously not required.

It's a quirky, up-to-date site with a lot of pictures, most with captions, and some pictures with a lot of words (quotes section). It's a fun site but clicking on "Facts" will take you to factual information presented lightly.  Be sure to click all over the home page and bookmark this site for revisits.

Another site with food and much more:

because I really, really am on a diet since the DDS said on Monday: See you in October. It was like he gave me a successful motivational talk with those words because I have 3 months to lose 20 pounds! And I will do it! Yes, I can!
I don't know if Picture the Recipe is going to help me lose weight but I do love to read recipes during my dieting stints.

Noreen says of her site: Hi! I’m Noreen and I’m the ultimate foodie. I love to cook, eat, read cookbooks, watch cooking shows and talk a whole lot about food. Food to me is an endless topic. I could learn, eat and talk about food every day of my life and not get bored….This blog is my passion and includes all things that I love…food, photography, dinking around with photoshop. I hope you enjoy the recipes and all I have to share here.
Noreen gives you beautiful pictures, easy recipes and great directions. You won't be disappointed clicking around this site and you might learn a lot about cooking. 
Gotta go. Enjoy! 

P.S. I made the font size large today; hope this is easier to read. 


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