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Website Wednesday
Gore Vidal died. He was an essayist when essays came with the personality of the writer and the personality of the writer blasted to his audience through the medium of TV and was not hidden within the anonymity of blogs as it can be today.
The Washington Post quotes that Vidal wanted to be remembered as the “the person who wrote the best sentences of his time.” He may very well be but those who saw him during his lifetime will always remember the dry, patrician speech cadence with which he delivered these best sentences.
I don't think I would invite Vidal to a dinner party as a convivial guest. I rather see him ensconced as the Sibyl in a cave where those wishing enlightenment traveled. And Vidal's enlightenment would never come from society's well-traveled path. He did speak truth to power unmoved by the inevitable discomfort that always brings.
Be sure to read his essays; he was a master.
In keeping with Vidal's legacy, let's start with this quirky website:
I didn't get all the reference to the fairy tale princesses in these pictures but the first one of Snow White was a big clue as to what to expect. I guess you could say it's just another take on the old adage: fairy tales are only make believe. But it's very cleverly and, at times, uncomfortably (Rapunzel) done.
Be sure to click Categories on the top bar for more interesting pictures; but this page was what caught my interest.
OK, I didn't mean this to become a paean to quirkiness but try this site:
and click on Top 9 Lists.
You know those "mom" sites where you get 10 Ways To Make Your Child Eat Broccoli or Summer Fun In The Heat? Well, this ain't it. Here you get funny lists of what not to do with kids. Example: watching them play sports and really thinking: This kid sucks. This is the antithesis of those good parenting sites so it's fun for parents and non-parents. Click around for their Viral Videos and other stuff. I don't know if it's kid friendly though I do know you shouldn't tell your kid he sucks.
And finally, something a little more uplifting:
People get to submit one rule, one line. You get inspirational, insightful, pithy, sardonic...... The most current rule, #1722 is: Never lose hope in love. Sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince. And the first rule submitted, #1, is: Trust your instincts and always follow your heart.
OK, I know I'm a cynic but there are times in everyone's life, and probably many times, when solace is found in cliches. And you don't have to scroll long for truisms like rule #6: Being size 0 will not make him like you. And if it does, he's a dick.
I like to read these rules because you're looking at 1700+ people who condensed a belief system into a single sentence. Now, that's interesting reading.
Enjoy the sites. I'm heading to find my book of Vidal's essays. See you next week.
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