Friday, December 21, 2012

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
 Tax the Rich

Knitting Friday

I have nothing today. What a fraud I am! Somehow the week got away from me and I didn't take any knitting pictures.
#1 Boy's pic
Here's a filler: a picture the boy took which I thought on this Mayan Day of Doom, 12/21/12, would be appropriate. Isn't it a pretty sky? I know people (not just the ones I read about) who really believe this is going to be a day of doom. Of course, in the skein of life's rolling of the dice, they could be right - or wrong. So take a look at the blue sky and fluffy clouds. That should make you happy, whichever way it goes.
#2 2010 big Advent Scarf
But moving right along to knitting, here's a picture of the 2010 Advent Scarf. I'm so happy that last year (2011) I started to make them into scarf size instead of the 95 stitch CO called from in the original pattern. Here, you see it as the original pattern which made it a shawl I never wear, unfortunately. Fancy scarves work for me, but not fancy shawls.

The 2012 Advent Scarf was finished last night. It's bound off and ready for blocking. Once again, I had to stop before the last pattern was published (4 more to go) and this time, I searched through my 2010 Advent Scarf patterns to find a pattern with nupps. I don't think a lot of people like nupps. I didn't until I found out how to make them with a crochet hook. Now, I love making them.

The above link is a great how-to for crocheted nupps.. Anyway, I found nupps on Day 5 pattern of the 2010 scarf so that's what I made my last pattern on the 2012 scarf. I'm really psyched because I will have it ready to wear when we go to the restaurant on Xmas Eve and I can spill stuff on it.

Finally, let me bow out with one last link so you can get to any shopping/stuff you have to do in this busy season (DH tells me I missed celebrating the winter solstice; not that I had that feast on my calendar. But if it's a gift-getting feast, I'm in.)

Knitty's winter patterns are up. I don't know if I'm wild about any of them, but you take a look.

Much happiness to all of you in this holiday season. See you next week with, I hope, a link to a summer shrug pattern I really can use over camis. Happy knitting!

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