Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
I hope your clicking finger is well-rested because my first pick is a beaut:
OK, I know this is Wikipedia and I know that this site can be edited by viewers (which can lead to some good/bad/hilarious reading) and it should never be mentioned with the same hallowed breath you would use when you say "primary sources"; but Wikipedia is very often a great "go-to" source for topics of interest. 
The url above will take you to a well-written explanation of the meaning of plot twists. I know you're thinking: Plot twists. And I woke up this morning thinking: I wonder where I can go to research the meaning of plot twists?  But even if you didn't and learning about plot twists is somewhere under "visit the dentist" on your to-do list, take look at this entry. And then have your clicking finger ready because the hyperlinks you'll find there will take you into the world of: anagnorisis -critical discovery, analepsis -flashback, peripeteia -reversal of fortune (Oh, I love using Greek words I can’t even pronounce.) and so much more. Whether you're a lover of films or books, this is a great crash course in understanding plot and theme. I bet you can tell that I'm very psyched about all this and I am typing very, very fast so I can grab a cup of coffee and cruise these sites as soon as I post.
And now on to fun and frivolity:
Don't you love the name of this site: I Waste So Much Time? No need for any more explanations from me. Just click and enjoy. Probably no suitable for work though. 

Take a look at these 10 mind boggling movies according to Woman's Day. Two things: 1) I'm surprised Woman's Day would have such a quirky list (I guess it's not my grandma's Woman's Day.) and 2) Re the movies listed: I'm still trying to figure out Inception; don't get Mulholland Drive, really should take a look at Fight Club, and wonder, from the description given, if Pi will be just too much for my little brain. Interesting list. Now I'm trying to come up with some mind boggling flicks for my own list.

The above page from Glorious Mind shows the abandoned Varosha section in Famagusta, Cyprus. These pictures are so evocatively sad as you see a city which has gone from bustle to silence. And, to me, this is doubly interesting since we all know that the Cyprus economy is in the sewer. Plus, it's like you're watching a sci-fi future set your lifetime.
But don't get depressed on Glorious Minds. Click across the top bar and enjoy current, neat, funny, weird, interesting stuff. You could say that you can start your day today by "going to school" and learn all sorts of important plot devices with my first pick and then finish your day by going out to play with I Waste So Much Time and Glorious Minds.
Enjoy. See you next week.

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