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Website Wednesday
TBogg has left the blogging world. Many a dark and stormy night he was a light in the window and so often I thought: I don't have to add my redundancy to this issue, TBogg has our back on this one. He will be missed.
Conditions are spirally downward here, as they must. Hospice nurses, the social worker, all say that death comes more easily when you are at peace with yourself. (I’m thinking that’s because in times of stress the body produces hormones to keep you alive.) Unfortunately, DM started to question last night how there could be a god since none of those who loved us in life, if they are now in a hereafter, ever returned to ease our suffering. In normal times, this would be a good philosophical discussion but right now, she needs the “peace which surpasses understanding.” I sleep whenever I can and am tired throughout the day. I think it’s depression, which I was expecting.
Before my picks today, I'm going to tell you about something wacky which happened last week. Do you remember my Wednesday Website pick of Messy Nessy Chic (8/7/13)? I had two citations: Hilda, the heavy-set pin up girl from the middle of the last century and also the pictures of the Brown sisters spanning 45 years.
About Hilda I wrote:
A lot of picks this week, starting with:
a look at a pin-up girl who is fat. She's cute but she's really round
and, from the looks of it, quite happy. It's tough to realize in today's
USA world with its theme of "you're fat and getting fatter" that there was a time when women wore curves with pride and a bag of bones was not the de rigueur look for beauty. (Look back at some of those all singing-all dancing Hollywood movies from the 1930s to see what I mean.)
Fast forward to the next day, Thursday, 8/8/13 and The Huffington Post Women and there's a column and a slide show about Hilda. OK, I get it, the world is full of coincidences but the HP poster linked to Hilda by sending his/her readers to the same site as I did the day before. The Huffington Post article reads:
Fast forward to the next day, Thursday, 8/8/13 and The Huffington Post Women and there's a column and a slide show about Hilda. OK, I get it, the world is full of coincidences but the HP poster linked to Hilda by sending his/her readers to the same site as I did the day before. The Huffington Post article reads:
Hilda, 1950s Pinup Girl, Makes Us Very Happy
....According to the blog Messy Nessy Chic, Hilda is a vintage icon who was "one of history’s longest running calendar queens" alongside Marilyn Monroe and others.
Click on the HP Messy Nessy Chic link and you'll be reading the same article I posted just the day before. So this is how I'm looking at it: I always joke that all the hits on my site are from the FBI and the NSA. Maybe now I can include a blogger for the Huffington Post?
I'm going to start with something which has bothered me ever since I listened on C-SPAN to a black minister (religious) speak about how religion (Christian) helped/helps blacks. Although as an atheist you may think that acceptance of religion would grate me across the board but black slaves embracing Christianity has always bothered me because while it may have "gotten them through the night" it was the same religion of their slave masters and it allowed them to sleep in peace also.
And then I came across this 2013 page from The Mystery World (2010 pick):
I'm going to start with something which has bothered me ever since I listened on C-SPAN to a black minister (religious) speak about how religion (Christian) helped/helps blacks. Although as an atheist you may think that acceptance of religion would grate me across the board but black slaves embracing Christianity has always bothered me because while it may have "gotten them through the night" it was the same religion of their slave masters and it allowed them to sleep in peace also.
And then I came across this 2013 page from The Mystery World (2010 pick):
Scroll down little to Frederick Douglass. Black social reformer, abolitionist and author from two centuries ago, the quote is from his famous 1852 speech which begins with: (But) the church of this country is not only indifferent to the wrongs of the slave, it actually takes sides with the oppressors. I was happy to see that he "got it" and was not afraid to speak abut it.
There are a lot of interesting quotes here from famous people with their take on religion. The one which surprised me was Chesterton's since I thought he was an avid Roman Catholic.
And now to a site where you could lose yourself for 100 years:
And now to a site where you could lose yourself for 100 years:
This is all YouTube and perhaps you've seen many of these sites before but there's a great convenience in having them in one place. Just one bookmark and you can entertain/educate yourself for a very long time.
Let's look at pictures of amazing place:
These really are beautiful places to visit. This page will give you one view but click for some other breathtaking shots. Be sure to click Older Posts and scroll down to Easter Island. I never knew that those stone guys were all in a row. Those statues get more and more amazing with age (theirs and mine.)
Still need some summer reading? Here's a neat list for you:
I don't know if these are the All Time 100 Novels but if you click on each book you will get an excellent review. Whoever wrote them captures the essence of the book; you'll know what to expect when you pick up that book.
And finally:
I don't know why I'm so drawn to home design sites. All the rooms look so clean that you know no human live there. Definitely an upscale site but you'll get some good tips here like in bathroom remodeling: don't move the plumbing. You'll also get to ask yourself some philosophical questions like: Is the quaint solitude of the bedroom loft really worth having to climb 8 steps each night to sleep in a bed which looks almost as precarious as Frodo's sleeping perch in the mountains of Modor?
That's it for today. See you next week.
This is all YouTube and perhaps you've seen many of these sites before but there's a great convenience in having them in one place. Just one bookmark and you can entertain/educate yourself for a very long time.
Let's look at pictures of amazing place:
These really are beautiful places to visit. This page will give you one view but click for some other breathtaking shots. Be sure to click Older Posts and scroll down to Easter Island. I never knew that those stone guys were all in a row. Those statues get more and more amazing with age (theirs and mine.)
Still need some summer reading? Here's a neat list for you:
I don't know if these are the All Time 100 Novels but if you click on each book you will get an excellent review. Whoever wrote them captures the essence of the book; you'll know what to expect when you pick up that book.
And finally:
I don't know why I'm so drawn to home design sites. All the rooms look so clean that you know no human live there. Definitely an upscale site but you'll get some good tips here like in bathroom remodeling: don't move the plumbing. You'll also get to ask yourself some philosophical questions like: Is the quaint solitude of the bedroom loft really worth having to climb 8 steps each night to sleep in a bed which looks almost as precarious as Frodo's sleeping perch in the mountains of Modor?
That's it for today. See you next week.
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