Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
There are 25,000 alcohol related deaths, 189,000 lung cancer deaths and zero marijuana only deaths* in the US** each year and yet a recent Huffington Post headline shouts: White House Won't Say If Obama's Medical Marijuana Stance May Be Swayed By Sanjay Gupta.
May be swayed? And we're talking about medical, not recreational, marijuana here. Jesus H. Christ! Where do we get these Yahoos? And don't get me started on Gupta. He crocodile tears his past anti-marijuana stance by saying: Well, I trusted the DEA to be using scientific data. Shit, man. You're an MD. Not the local witch doctor. You read the data. That's what competent scientific people do. What a bunch of bozos! I can't wait till he mea culpas his way to Charlie Rose's confessional. I know I won't be watching.
*With drug induced deaths from heroin, etc., the coroner may report marijuana was also in the body.
**Yes, I know, why should you believe me? Well, just look it up. I'm just too lazy to cite today.
On to websites. I came to this website because of the baby blanket:
but stayed because of the recipes:
Scroll through the older posts (link bottom) for more recipes and links to even more websites with a lot of stuff, plus recipes. I don't know if this is only a "girly" site but I do know that I love to look at food right now. I'm allowing my reptilian brain to tempt me to eat every thing in sight and then to cook even more stuff. Not good; I know it but I'm justifying this by saying that I'm insulating all the nerves in my body against present stress and future stress. Oh, I so have to start dieting! But just not right now.
OK kids, here are two for you:
The first is a mnemonic way to learn the periodic table. Like for Al, Aluminum, you get symbols showing its a solid and part of the earth's crust and its number, 13. Then you see the picture of an airplane with the word "airplane" under it. Looks like it should work.
Then there's:
The site is which is purely commercial but this page is one great checklist for first-time dorm students. I think, with modifications, it would work well for any extended time away from home.
And now for something completely different:
Sting Feed bills itself as your "daily dose of viral entertainment." Hey, what's not to like about viral? Just click the links for smiles and chuckles. No deep thinking here, just fun. And don't miss the comics.
Still a few weeks of summer left so maybe you could read another book:
You get the top ten best novels you've never heard of here. Don't know about them being the best but if you click on each title, you'll get sent to Amazon (when do you NOT get sent to Amazon these days?) for reviews and, with some, sample readings.
Demons intrigues me because I have it under its original title, The Possessed, and it's touted as: Perhaps it’s the first 100 pages, which Dostoevsky later admitted were
“a mistake” and not the proper way to start his mind-spinning story,
which is an absolute masterpiece of plot-and-theme integration. Leave it to the Russians to nail plot and theme integration. (No barb here; I mean it.)
And finally, I'll leave you with this:
I haven't gotten beyond this first page but apparently you can sign up for a free daily or weekly tips newsletter. Tips on cleaning, crafts, recycling, frugal living...... You decide what kind of tips you want and whether you want them daily or weekly. Looks interesting. Maybe you'll want to "take the plunge." I think I will.
That's it for this Wednesday. See you next week.
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