Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
 Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
Sorry about not posting a Knitting Friday last week; things got hectic. Sorry about being so late with Website Wednesday today but that's more "a dog really did eat my homework" excuse because still, my early morning, eating breakfast and knitting desk top computer will not allow me to log into my blog. Bummer! So I have to wait until I'm up and dressed, on my "job" and finally at a laptop which will allow sign-ins on this blog. 
Right to some picks:
Yes, I did laugh so hard I cried with this entry. Test makers is so rigid when it comes to accepted responses, but some of these answers are pure genius. Check out the rest of the site also.
So it's holiday time and I probably thought I should bring you first to cleaning tips. But Tipnut has a lot of categories with interesting ideas and tips. Roam around and have fun.
Don't know much about Trendland. but it says it's presenting "your daily dose." Very nice, upscale articles and pictures. Taking long to load on my laptop. I think if you have any interest in design, fashion, art, culture, this is a nice place for return visits. 
Games! And not easy games. OK, I get the distinction of "pick the word 'blue'" and "pick the color 'blue'." But to have your brain register the fact that the color 'blue' is on the word 'purple' in under 2 seconds is not easy. Test those brain cells. There are a lot of games here for you. Good luck.
Got to go. Hospice nurse just called. See you next week. 

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