Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday

Wanta hear my woes? Should I start small with the fact that I can now access my blog on my early-morning, drink-my-coffee computer but the e-mail has stopped working on that computer so unless I'm just palavering, I can't get to my web picks, which I e-mail to myself, until I arrive at my work-day computer.

Boo-hoo, you say Complain! Complain! OK, I get it. How about this one: Not even realizing it, I brought my iPhone upstairs on top of the laundry and only after the machine started the agitating stage did I think: Where did I put that phone?

Yes, I put it in the machine with the water and the soap and the sheets Good news: it was protected from the machine sides by a mother load of laundry. Bad news: it's been sitting in rice for over 48 hours and when the charger is put in (phone is not turned on) all I get is the apple icon appearing sporadically.

So now, I've heated the rice, put it and the phone in a paper bag, put the bag in a big metal bowl, covered by another metal bowl (metal will prevent the phone from trying to connect if someone calls it). Now, we wait.

On the bright side, I'm not the stupidest woman on the planet; a Google search shows that I have a lot of 'friends.' As the hospice nurse quipped: You're not under any stress. 

My web picks are two weeks old but I hope they're still good:

I don't know why these pictures are the top 75 of last year and there are a lot of such lists out there, but, as you know, I'm a sucker for pictures. Take a look.
I like Picklee. It's probably a "girlie" (No! I don't mean girlie pictures; I mean womanly interests, like decorating, recipes.) Boy, does that sound sexist! Anyway, I like the effort put into this blog. It's a good one to bookmark.

And in keeping with my interest in food (I must exercise!), the above site has helpful cooking tips. Click around this site. It looks sweetly funny. And witty.

And finally, one from The Huffington Post, UK:

Take a look and find out what amazes liberals.

That's it. The hospice nurse will be here very soon. See you next week.



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