Friday, February 14, 2014

Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich
Knitting Friday
Me bad, no pictures. Didn't take them since I was so sure with two snow storms, not one, arriving this week no way were we going to have electricity and/or cable by today. I was wrong! We sailed through these storms with about 20" of snow and all our utilities in tact.
This has been a busy week of knitting and waiting. I don't think DM is in the active stage of dying but her condition has deteriorated considerably.
But this week I did make a shrimp chowder which DM loves. Here's the recipe:
Shrimp Chowder
1/2 big onion, chopped
3 chicken bouillon cubes dissolved in 2 cups of water
3 T of flour, more or less as you wish
1/8 pound of butter (you can use more or less)
1 pound 31-40 count shrimp cooked and cut up into small pieces
1 small can of drained mushroom pieces or about 3 large mushrooms cut up finely
1 cup milk (can be more or less depending on how thick you like your chowder)
Opt: any veggies like corn
1. Melt butter in large saucepan.
2. Add onion and saute on a low heat until soft.
3. Add flour with small amounts of bouillon and more butter if you wish to form a roux. The trick is NOT to have the flour lumpy.
4. Add the mushrooms and all the bouillon. You should be looking at a tan colored thick sauce with onions and mushrooms. (At this point, you can turn off the gas and leave everything until it's time to eat.)
5. Just before you serve it: Add the milk slowly, stir and bring it up to just before boiling.
6. Add the shrimp and cook until they are warm but not at the tough stage.

That's it. No salt because of the bouillon and no spices. (You can add them if you like.) It tastes delicious.

And now for some patterns:

This is a light and airy summer type shawl. It's done in light fingering with US 7 needles. 

Here's another one:
It's filled with nupps and I love nupps. I think you will also if you work crochet nupps which are so, so easy.
And finally, in my quest for the perfect Aran style shawl, I found this:

What sold me on it was the project by Yavanna1612, which is beautiful. OK, she says she did modify it by adding more cables but I think I''ll give it a try.
Enough for today. Next week, I have a fantastic way to make short rows. To me, this way beats all the rest. And, I have finished my lace scarf, which as you remember was born as a typical lace sampler scarf with a RS and WS, worn that way, then frogged, washed and re-born as a wider lace sampler scarf where all the lace patterns are reversible. And, I washed and dried the circular shawl which Mr. Bear modeled a few weeks ago. Boy, did that stretch. There will be pictures.

See you then. Happy knitting.

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