Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
It's getting unusually hectic around here re: hospice care. I knew we would move into this stage but like the Phoney War in 1939, we had spent so many months where DM was sick but extremely stable that the precipitous drop in the last month, while not unexpected, was a surprise. But to return to that so well-worn out cliche: It is what it is.
I may have linked to the above site before but not to this selection (2/6/14.) What is with my love of taking a small space and trompe-l'œiling it into a large one? I so can't help myself! But take a look at this place. I do admit that toilet has me stumped. That's one big mother. Click "Design" for more similar articles.

OK, let's get silly:

Here, you get 41 facts which you may never use. Be sure to click the tiny hyperlink after the few pictures here to get to see all of them.
And, not leave the people who live in small spaces lonely for long, take another look at them in:

I can't believe I haven't linked to this site before but this page was modified on 2/14/14 and it refers to my first pick which is current. Boy! Have I been watching too much Sherlock Holmes! (Shameless digression: The modern-day Sherlock on PBS really is very good.) Click on the link under each picture for views of all the rooms. I want to go live in each of them! 
DM loves pizza crust with butter so we wind up buying pizzas and saving the crust for her. Until this weekend when I bought pizza dough at Shop Rite and made it into rolls. Wow! It was so easy. I got 13 small rolls with some leftover dough. The above site deals with healthy pizzas and I'm thinking I can now make my own dough for it.  Greatest is a site to keep you healthy. I can't vouch for the exercise tips but, but under Recipes for Valentine's Day they sure have some healthy looking treats.

And while we're talking healthy, don't miss this link:

Here, you'll get healthy Nutella treats. Nutella and health? These I have to try.
And finally:
Cleaning tips! I must be losing my mind!
That's it for today. See you next week.

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