Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday 
Hoped someone noticed there were no postings last week, even though I was primed for them. First, we lost electricity starting on Wednesday morning. Got it back 9 hours later when we discovered that we had electricity but no phone, cable or TV. And now I know, as God is my witness, that I'd take TV, cable and phone service over electricity any day.We were lucky because we got our TV, etc. back within 36 hours of calling Verizon; others waited for days.Today, we're expecting another storm so I'm typing as fast as I can.
My blood was boiling then running cold last week as the Farrow family vendetta against Woody Allen played out in the media as Dylan Farrow fired the latest volley with accusing Allen of molesting her as a child. (Two decades ago, Mia Farrow, during a vicious custody fight, accused Allen of molesting their 7 year old adopted daughter, Dylan.) Yes, I am in the Allen camp since I've read the documents from the case re: the validity of that accusation but what got me incensed was not the re-ignited accusations but  the stupidity of the comments re: the case which could be found all over the web. Simple comments like: I believe her; It sounds true; I was molested sprang out as people were being judge and jury based, not on facts, but feelings. The great American: Don't bother me with facts, my feelings are my guide was presented in its most ugly panoply. What was even more shocking is that these comments were from people with fans in the multiple thousands.
But it was VO commenting in The Huffington Post who summed up this Salem witch trial hysteria the best with:
"Dude, any first-person account beats any argument": this pearl of astonishing wisdom received 98 likes on Facebook page of Daily Beast. 98 likes!
There is no thought given to the 6 months of psychiatric evaluations by three doctors in CT, no consideration at all to the inability to conclude the abuse had indeed happened. She may indeed remember things which are not true. She may be sincere. She is certainly a damaged and bitterly angry woman. But not every allegation is true, for God's sake. This is why we have a criminal justice system: first-person accounts in our confessional age are given weight without regard to other factors which detract from their credibility.

People are so passionate about this, usually (if you read the comments) incest survivors or others who have experienced the tragedy of sexual assault. I understand it's a tragedy, but it's not a tragedy if it the allegation isn't true--except for the accused. The comments have spoken volumes about those bashing Woody with no access to the relevant data.

But this is what America has become: a nation of people who cannot or will not think critically, who believe emotion substitutes for reason. And of course people who simply don't read anything longer than 1000 words. Indeed, many blogs including this one have that as the word limit.

What wonder is it, in our dumbed down , text-speak, iPhone age, that people respond with such hysterical emotion disconnected from evidence, reason, or fact. 

Of course, VO has only 1 fan listed. Go figure.

OK, here's a site for you:

You get to choose one of two absurd choices (eat a zombie or be eaten by a zombie) and then you get to see where your choice fits in with others. Be sure to click the small arrow in the middle of the right side of the screen to scroll through more choices. Wacky fun.

This next sight is just insane and not for the workplace:

Are these situations staged? I can't believe a person would willingly get kicked by a cow. Take a look.

OK, the following site touts This is Marvelous and it is:

Who could not like something (many things) on this site?

The why of this pick baffles even me:

These are acting tips and they look very good, not that I will ever top my performance in a dull, little Girl Scout play where I bought down the house when, in my role as a GS sitting around the campfire eating roasted marshmallows, I decided to say my lines with a mouthful full of them.

And for my final pick:

Pretty innovative disaster survival stuff here. Almost with the MacGyver quality of: You have a rubber band and some chewed gum? Let's build a car! But I'm not laughing. Perhaps tomorrow if we lose electricity again I'd wish I had read how to build a toilet paper heater.

That's it for today. See you next week.


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