Friday, April 3, 2009

Knitting Friday

First, before I forget this: there is no more basketball game watching in my near future. After four games, March Madness is over; perhaps we will move into April Angst. It was fun. I learned a few things: gyms are noisy; kids don’t always charge their DS enough; basketball game watching can be exciting even for elementary school; and circular needles are a must at any sporting event.

And now on to knitting.

I found another skein of the pink mohair so I am making my fuzzy friend even bigger. I just want to finish the damn thing but it’s becoming the crack cocaine of my knitting: I never get enough of it done to end off and I keep being drawn back to work on it. But it is very warm.

I wanted to post the entire pattern for my Mitered Squares Odds and Ends Shawl today. I also wanted to post a picture of one I had made last year but it has disappeared into the whirling vortex of items to be found in a young girl’s room -translation: I came find it anywhere - so I’ll wait till I finish this new one for pictures.

I’m realizing that pattern writing is not a walk in the park. Even though my pattern is not exotic in any way, I’m having to catch myself because I know what I’m doing and I start using a knitting shorthand I understand but you probably don’t.

Which brings me to a big cop-out. I was all ready to post the final pattern for my Mitered Squares Odds and End Shawl. I have been diligently testing it all week and writing down the instructions. However, the more I write, the more realize the interesting variations in this pattern and I realize that it, and I, need more work.

So the big cop-out is: no pattern this week and maybe not next week since all next week is Spring Break with munchkins joyfully playing at home.

But I will leave you with a fantastic site which will devour you for hours, days, weeks, months:

and be sure to visit her blog:

So enjoy your web cruising while I try to get this pattern together. See you next week.

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