Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Website Wednesday

For all the moms and care-givers out there who are enjoying Spring Break with the kids this week and perhaps getting ready for a holiday celebration, here is something real simple:

I like the hard copy of this magazine and that's saying a lot because except for the London Review of Books for which I suffer such guilt since I don't have the time to read all those great articles into which the authors have poured their sweat and guts; I don't like many magazines. It's my foible; I don't like quick reads except for the Movie Spoiler site when the ADHD kicks in and I know I can't sit for another minute in front of this slow movie but I must find out the ending so I trudge to the computer and cheat.

Having said all that: take a look at Real Simple. They really do want you to keep your life real simple.

I like that fact that their tips don't always have you running out to buy something. Like the tip for recipe storage. Use clear CD jewel boxes. You can prop the recipe in when you cook from it. Or take a plain coat rack (or make a plain coat rack) and hang your necklaces from it.

Or Extend the Life of Electronic Gear, or Uses for Left-Over Aluminum Foil (Better TV reception? That I have to try.)

I also like the fact that medical advice (and you know the drill with this: always check with your MD first) comes from qualified people, like a professor of medical oncology at the Mayo Clinic College.

The reads are quick; The Iliad it isn't. You can sort articles by most popular or most recent.

And, they have a blog: Simply Stated

This one is a winner.

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