Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Website Wednesday

This is my 100th post! Wow!

Though I bet in another culture in a parallel universe a "magic" number might be 67 or 108. But I'm going with 100 since that's one of my world's magical numbers. If this achievement represented human years I'd be expecting a birthday card from Obama.

Humans like to look back in contemplation at milestones. Sometimes they like to share their contemplations with you and bore you to tears. Sometimes they like to write a best-selling book about their musings - and still bore you to tears.

Shall I join that group? Nah.

Instead, I'd like to send you to a website whose recent postings have made me sad.
- Deus Ex Malcontent

I've been reading this site for almost two years. It handles current political topics so I probably got "recommended" from another site I read which also handles current political topics.

But websites are literary quicksand; you step in them expecting one thing and then you discover so much more.

I don't know Chez Pazienza
as probably most of his readers don't but I've enjoyed the pictures of his adorable new baby, understood his angst as he looked for employment, and now: I feel so sad that his marriage is over.

So sad for him and surprisingly so sad for me, but that is the power of words. A good author, and Chez is a fine writer, weaves a story and as we follow it if we have human empathy, we see our commonality in the writing.

Be sure to read Truth and Consequences on 3/31/09. He says some truths about blog writing and offers a glimpse at the damage wrought as a capitalistic economy fails.

I"ve always admired him for his honesty and openness and he doesn't fail during this personal crisis.

Read his wonderful tribute to his wife written in happier times and then The Story Ends (also 3/31/09). In just two short blogs he captures all the joy and heartbreak humans must endure if they choose to love.

I don't know why on April Fool's Day, I'm recommending reading blogs which are not pranks. I don't know why on April Fool's Day, a day of silliness, I recommending a second site: -
Rainbows! Puppies! Leukemia

for its
Saturday, March 28, 2009 blog titled: My Wife.

Once again, you'll read about sadness; the death of a wife and mother.

Drew Pinsky wrote in the 3/24/09 Huffington Post that it was time for humans to shed their narcissistic traits and connect.

Reading these blog entries would be a good way for us to start.

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