Monday, September 28, 2009

Medicare For All

Movie Monday

What a morning! No, what a weekend! I did remember that today was Movie Monday early this a.m. and then - the shit hit the fan.

I had been nursing a newsletter colleague's ego this weekend:. We had a professional disagreement and I thought my e-mails to her increasingly nasty e-mails were the models of courtesy but firmness. But then , we all see ourselves through those rose-colored glasses.

But I do believe I was being quite calm and nice, but firm. After all, I am the boss lady in this endeavor.

I had written my last e-mail (so I thought) concerning this matter on Sunday morning. All day Sunday was rainy and nasty but quiet on the e-mail front. Then comes Monday.

No e-mails but the equivalent of her emptying out her desk on my front porch. Sort of the non-verbal equivalent of: I don't want to play with you any more and here's all the stuff you left at my house.

Except in this case, she dumped all the stuff she used to perform her job on the newsletter on my front porch.

Oh, well. Life goes on. But you can see why my day got twisted around and I'm so late with this posting.

But what a posting:

This is a short, short film. Watch it and we can discuss it next week. I think it will be well worth the short time it'll take you to watch it.

Gotta go. This is newsletter prep week and I'm one man down.

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