Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Medicare For All

Website Wednesday

Did you hear about Maria Bartiromo (of MSNBC where she does a financial show) asking 45-year old U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner why if Medicare was so good he wasn’t on it. (Direct quote: "How come you don't use it [Medicare]? You don't have it. How come you don't have it?")

And after Weiner explains that Medicare (U.S. government-run health insurance program) only kicks in at age 65 she reacts with an Oh, yeah? laughing response. Good God, the stupidity is incredible though I see the spin already: U.S. Congressman says he won’t go on Medicare. And then I envision the real stupidity: 70% of Americans believe a 45-year old can go on Medicare.

So that's why I think my website pick for today is really a good choice:

OK, be ready to read about movies and, no, I’m not cheating by having two days of movie related postings this week because Images is all about good writing and good critical thinking. You may not agree with all the reviews here but you will see that below-the-surface research went into them.

With Images you’ll find past and present movie reviews and feature articles such as: Modernity and the Maniac: The Fall of Janet Leigh; Stars: Some Historical Reflections on the Paradoxes of Stardom in the American Film Industry, 1910-1960; Monster at the Soda Shop: Teenagers and Fifties Horror Films; and 30 Great Westerns (Note: I’m not a fan of Westerns but this retrospective/review feature is a must-read.)

Click around the site for a lot of good writing and don’t forget to go into their archives. It was there that I read my first Images article, a review of Van Helsing, and knew this was something special.

Images says of itself:

Images is a non-commercial Web site created for everyone who enjoys movies and popular culture. Images is published quarterly; however, new reviews will appear each week, so check back often.

We created Images because we saw a void in the market place. Most film journals concentrate on recent movies, occasionally including an article about movies of the past, but more likely than not, confined exclusively to the most recent releases.

And then it finishes with something important:
So, if you've ever said, "Oh, why can't we just enjoy movies and not analyze them so much," well, this site might not be your cup of tea. Sorry. But we'd also hope that if you stick with us, you'd see the validity of an approach that tries to better understand movies and popular culture because through better understanding comes increased appreciation.

This last paragraph says it all. If you’re ready to move beyond cutesy movie reviews and want to hear more about films and film making than publicity fluff about stars, this is the place to go.

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