Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Medicare For All

Take a look at this Frank Rick column:

I'm pretty disgusted with members of both parties when it comes to a national health care plan which includes a strong public option but I do think there is a major difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Republicans may argue in private but they are willing to stand behind racists and no-nothings in public. Democrats disagree in public. Which may be messy but is vital to an hope of a democratic government.

Website Wednesday

My e-mail is having serious problems. I sent my website choice to my account yesterday and it never arrived. It's there in the Sent file. It was addressed correctly but nothing moved into my mailbox. I hate gremlins!

But the Google gods were kind this time and I was able to find my choice with no angst at all:

I love this site and I've know about it for some time but I think the short film I wrote about this Movie Monday brought it to mind again.

One Sentence says of itself:
One Sentence is an experiment in brevity. Most of the best stories that we tell from our lives have one really, really good part that make the rest of the boring story worth it.

This is about that one line.

It’s easy to submit your one sentence story. There are terms and conditions; basically you give up any rights to your submitted one line story. But, and this is a big but for it says: You may have your entry removed or opt-out of these terms at any time by e-mailing me.

So it looks like you should have no problems submitting a story. Then again, you need never submit one. Just read one, and then one more, and another, and another......they are so short. And, so many of them are so good.

Finish the first page? Click “More stories” and go into the archives. Or go to the end of the archives and click some Tags of interest.

Perhaps all men do live their lives in quiet desperation but at One Sentence they all seem to be worth a read.

Go take a look.

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