Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Public Option Now

Website Wednesday

My mind is obviously visiting another planet today since I can't seem to wrap it around Website Wednesday. So, I'm going to use my free pass today. You know the kind you get in school for being really, really good and it says that you don't have to do your homework for one day.

So, I'm going to use a variation of that schoolhouse pass since I did do my homework and here is my website pick for today:

It's about worldwide poverty and slums and miserable living conditions. You get to hear and see households in poverty from four places around the world: Kenya, India, Indonesia and Venezuela. Then you enter households in those countries, see the living conditions and hear from the people living there.

I think poverty stinks and it makes me want to vomit when I hear rich people talk about how the poor abuse the "system."

Take a look for yourself.

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