Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is Health Care a Right or a Privilege?

Website Wednesday

Last night, I was watching a Sundance documentary about a famous graphic artist; once you see his work, you'll recognize his work even if you didn't know his name. And I got to thinking: there's a great difference between design art and fine art. Design art (logos, advertising, graphics) tells you what it wants you to get from it (the message) while fine art opens up the world of your imagination. I was happy I finally figured this out, though I got bored and switched channels.

My website pick may not be examples of fine art but you'll get your share of interesting graphic/design art and photos at:

I did some detective work but there doesn't seem to be an "About" section for Visboo. From a cached page, I get: At visboo anyone can become popular, just create an account and start posting....We have already 716 members....syndicated content powered by FeedBurner. Plus, an account sign-up area.

However, the current site (2/17/10) has none of this information. All you get on this page is a "Mail us" link.


Mystery site or not, this is a great site for fun and information. Currently, the How the Horror Photos are Made entry shows you, well, how horror movie shots are made. You know that screaming kid who awakens to the monster in her room? Apparently, she and her worst nightmare are not even in the same shot. Click "Read more" and watch set designers and make-up artists prepare this type of shot. (I like the fact that many entries walk you through the "how it's done" process.)

Now, here's where it's great to be on the Internet: Arthur Robbins' name seems to be hyperlinked at the top of every entry. Clicking his name gets his other contributions to Visboo. Googling his name you'll find, among other sites:

and from here you can go on to see Robbins' art and read all about him. (Some zany stuff here.)

Is Visboo the creation of this Arthur Robbins? Either this fact is buried so deeply on the site that I'm missing it or my Sherlock Holmes skills have failed me or this is just a mystery I may never solve.

Take your pick for an answer; it really doesn't matter. This is an easy site to get into and enjoy. You get a variety of topics with more than just surface information. Bookmark Visboo for repeat visits; you won't be disappointed.

Note: Some entries are child-friendly; some are not.

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