Thursday, August 26, 2010

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings

Thoughts on Thursday

Apparently, the NJ GOV Chris Christie really fucked up the NJ application for the $400 million in "Race to the Top" educational funds. He didn't fill out a question properly! Jesus H. Christ!

Now the fine Machiavellian hand of the GOV is all over this application that failed since he personally made political capital by rejecting the first application drawn up with the input of the NJEA ("We don't deal with no stinking unions."), and by publicly humiliating his NJ Education Department Commissioner, Bret Schundler, for even trying to work with the teachers' union on this application.

The GOV has admitted he made a clerical error (well, I'm sure he's not taking the blame personally since he's hiring a second person to check these applications in the future!!!!!!!) but, hey, it's really all Obama's fault because the U.S. Department of Education will not let him say "Sorry." and get to play "do over." [Added 8/27, check the NJ Star Ledger web site for 8/26 where you see the videotape of the NJ application hearing in DC. NJ was asked during their DC presentation about the missing information on the application. The federal official is very kind and since NJ doesn't seem to have the info at hand says: Perhaps we can come back to that. (Which they do and still NJ can't produce the needed information.) Wow! There's a videotape! Who's liar, liar, pants on fire now? (Sorry, I can copy the link but I can't paste it. Weird.)]

It doesn't surprise me that Christie plays the blame-everyone-but-me game. I watched a clip of him doing it on Reporter's Round table last week. It was a different issue but the mantra was the same: It's Obama's fault. It's the administration's fault. (Never his administration, of course.) It's everyone else's fault.

Shit happens. We all know that. However, the NJ GOV wanted his carbon footprint alone on this application. He fought to get it there and he did. So he screws up and Jersey gets the shaft. Hubris is a bitch.

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