Friday, April 15, 2011

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Knitting Friday

OK, I wasn't going to post today because I've been nursing the beginnings of a dental implant with some bone grafting so my whole week has been planning three good meals a day so the antibiotic doesn't rip out my GI tract. I like to eat on the run with a minimum of fats or carbohydrates so this is hard.

But less than an hour ago I had to call Knit Picks to tell them that my nickel-plated steel T-pins had rusted. And I mean big time. It was a slow process or else, wherever you were in the world, you would have heard my scream when I discovered rust spots on my Mystery Advent Shawl. But that was my first blocking project so that one was OK. However, today as I'm unpinning a cotton white shawl I see the rust spots big time. For some reasons, I blocked this one upside down and I only have two stains on the right side.

Now looking at the pins, I see major scaly-feeling rust spots. Very discouraging.

Knit Picks has an excellent customer service and they'll send me new pins. (We both agreed that the wet-blocking I do is exactly what they advertise.) However, I''m pretty gun-shy thinking that I may be starting this rusting cycle again. So I've been scouring the Internet for knitting T-pins in pure stainless steel. I wonder if a place like Home Depot would have an equivalent? I really thought my quest was over when I got Knit Picks blocking wires and T-pins. But the hunt continues.

On another note, I'm teaching Russian joining and splicing to my needlework group on Monday. I finished a 20 color shawl to show that by using these methods you can knit with only two yarn ends. I'll post a picture next week.

Happy knitting.

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