Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday

Osama bin Laden is assassinated, killed in "cold blood" since he was apparently unarmed, not captured and brought to stand trial in the famous American justice system we tout about, and I'm supposed to be happy? This brings closure (whatever that is)?

This is just more violence and will bring more violence and hatred . And, as I discovered at a meeting on Monday, this killing also bubbles up the just-below-the-surface hatred of Muslims.

So, I've decided two things:
1) America does not have a loony fringe anymore; we have a loony core. It's logic that's moved to the fringe. And
2) We need so much more education in the US, especially education in logical thinking.

I decided to start with my website pick:

The Khan of Khan Academy is Salman Khan, born in New Orleans in 1977. Wikipedia also tells us that: (he) is an American educator and founder of the Khan Academy, a free online education platform and not-for-profit organization. He has produced over 2200 videos elucidating a wide spectrum of concepts, mainly focusing on mathematics and the sciences, in his home.

From other sources, I discovered that he made his money in venture capital and he got the idea to go global with his educational system after tutoring relatives using internet resources.

I don't know if it's Khan who's explaining "Jack is 5 years younger than Bill. In 5 years he will be 2x Bill's age......" but the presentation is done so you watch the invisible teacher talking and solving the problem in pen on a board.

These are not college level courses, and some are not even on the high school level. And that's what makes it so valuable.

With my experience teaching Adult Basic Reading and with my lack of long term memory with math, I understand how important starting very basic with the basics is in education.

My website pick is more personal this week because I'm looking at the Khan Academy as another chance (and perhaps this time a successful chance) in learning beyond basic math and science.

I hear some of you scoffing: Why do I need this? At my age?

I guess I'd answer that you're going to live a long time and learning is a life-time process. Your teachers were wrong if they told you that learning was about testing. It's about expanding your knowledge and stretching your abilities. It really doesn't end with a diploma. And, I know it's trite to say but: learning is fun.

So take a look at this site. See if you can find areas for your kids to use. (There are basic math videos and I mean basic in 2 x 2 = 4.) See if you can find refresher stuff for yourself. I'm looking to finally understand the time, distance, rate puzzler of : If a train leaves NY at 5 am and a plane leaves CA at 7 am.........

Maybe if we all spend more time at the Khan Academy we can bring logic back from the fringe in the US. Enjoy.

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