Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday

I keep waiting for Obama to do the one thing that might justify my voting for him in 2012. But nada. This week we removed our funding from UNESCO because it seated the Palestinians as a member. Jesus H Christ! Yes, I know that US had to do this because Congress in the 1990s in honor of the dead Tom Lantos decided what the world needed for world peace was a law saying the US could not belong to any UN group the Palestinians were a part of. Great thinking, guys, as usual.

So Obama pulled the US plug on the group, quietly of course, without announcing: Hey, folks, I know this is stupid but my hands are tied (and don't expect me to do anything to untie them.)

But, I think the nail in the coffin was the White House's rejection this week of a petition to legalize medical marijuana. The mind boggles at the stupidity in high places.

Which leads me to my pick this week: People of Influence

First, this is one big picture so you may need to refresh the screen before it all appears. Then you may want to scroll around identifying all the famous faces. And finally, the fun begins. Click on each person and get sent to his/her biography. It seems that Wikipedia is the only source for these biographies but all throughout the bios are links to more secondary source material.

The people pictured range through the centuries with the important (Stalin, Da Vinci) to the entertaining (Shirley Temple. Bruce Lee.) There's a real Asian influence since the painter are Chinese: Dai Dudu, Li Tiezi, and Zhang An and can be found in the upper right by Dante. Which is probably the most appropriate spot for them since the title of this painting is Discussing The Divine Comedy with Dante.

It's interesting to see whom the artists allowed to make the cut. Examples: Arafat and Sharon, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, Bill Gates and Marlon Brando in his Godfather garb. I bet you don't know Norman Bethune. Here, you can read about this Scot Canadian's medical care journey which finally led him to China.

So let me stop typing so you can start reading. It's not a one-stop visit this time. And don't forget to click on the non-human and inanimate objects; most of them have interesting stories to tell.


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