Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday

Every once and a while, in order to maintain your sanity, you have to look beyond the dross humans create for other humans and see the patches of beauty and the patches of fun which exist all around us.

So, on a rainy, dank day in NJ, I present:

Love the name: Alligator Sunglasses. Does he put them on himself? Get help? They are cool shades.

Currently, you get a picture of a baby polar bear with the heading: Just A Baby Polar Bear. But, being human, we anthropomorphically attribute to this infant mammal who will soon grow into a vicious killer all the smiles and chuckles we would heap on our own progeny. And, then the cute kitty one picture down. Oh, so cute. (And I'm NOT a cat person.) But AS then brings us back to reality with a printed monologue by Dave Chappelle where he talks about girls dressing like whores but not being them.

Alligator Glasses is part of the PBH Network and if you click on the top bar at AG, you'll be sent to other PGH sites.

Click on The World Around Us in the top bar for some stunning pictures. It's really 3-D in 2-D. Also, in this topic is a map of McDonald's around the country. (Tip: If you want to trip over a McDonald's, live on the east coast.) A click on Politics & Culture will bring you to the midnight raid on OWS in NYC. And also, Chapter 1 of The Mormon Diaries by the AS cultural correspondent.

I had to google to find out about PBH; here's what I got:

The original PBH Network began in 2005 with the launch of Prose Before Hos, Well Placed Pottery, and Disgraceful And Sexy. In 2009 and 2010, PBH2, Die Hipster Die, Alligator Sunglasses [Formerly PBH3], All That Is Interesting, Runt of the Web, and Die Guido Die were added to feature new content.

and more:

Prose Before Hos (PBH) is an open forum for news, humor, and writing. PBH features personalities, dailies, reviews, and a vast array of columns and updates from authors.Well Placed Pottery (WPP) is a website in expressionist effort, labeled by the creator as an ‘artistic endeavor’. The website is primarily centered around thought and abstract creations. Disgraceful And Sexy (D&S) is a media centered website. This site, as the title implies, is a humor driven focused on multimedia including pictures, movies, and miscellaneous internet humor.

Nothing about AS; but you get the picture. PBH is beautiful, funny, thoughtful, and...... well you fill in the rest. There's a lot of see and read here so plan to stay for a while. Oh, and much of it is not child friendly. Enjoy.

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