Friday, December 9, 2011

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Knitting Friday

I'm still in the throes of the Advent Calendar Scarf (started last Thursday so no Knitting Friday last Friday or Movie Monday this Monday but there was a Website Wednesday.) Right now, I'm on Day 6 and the pattern is on Day 9 so, again this year, I'm a little behind in my work. But it coming along very well. No nupps as yet but there is a glaring, but not that important, error in the first spacer section - identical small sections between each pattern day. (The errata didn't appear till after I was finished with the next day's pattern so it was Day 1 pattern - Day 1 spacer section with the mistake - Day 2 pattern - Day 2 spacer section w/o a mistake.) No way was I going to tink back. I'll just repeat the extra rows on the last pattern's spacer. Once again, this scarf will be a shawl since my needles are US 6 (I do love Chia Goo Lace. But I also think Knit Picks interchangeable nickel and Harmony wood are almost as pointy for lace.) and my yarn is fingering, not lace. No way will I get to Day 24. Perhaps, for a deep winter project I will take the days I don't get to use and work a scarf in lace.

I have no idea why my masochist streak comes out during this holiday season but this is the second time I'm working on a time-sensitive, intricate knitting project, plus, this year, I made two scarfs for hubby. (He does like them.) And, I still have about 10 projects OTN. And, I'm looking at this hat:

because I think my headbands are not going to cut it this year and this hat looks funky. I'm thinking nightcap funky. Just how will my hair look coming through the top?

A knitting tip and then I must get back to my Advent scarf since the next clue (Day 10) comes out in an hour. The tip: When it calls for markers between pattern sections (very important in this scarf) wend a long piece (48") of yarn from the back to the front and then front to the back throughout the rows. For example: If the pattern starts 5 stitches in, start the yarn thread there. Then work a pattern repeat and at its end, place the yarn thread between the end stitch and the beginning stitch of the next repeat. Work this way along the row. You still have to count the stitches in the repeats as you go along but you'll find that beginning or ending yarn overs are much easier to count this way. Since my pattern repeats are the same RS and WS for each pattern, I usually weave the yarn along on the RS row, keep it in for the WS row, then remove it and lay it again for the next RS row. Try it; it really does make your work move along faster.

Oh, I forgot. I bought Knit Pick Harmony needles and then arrived yesterday. I'll tell you about them next Friday and also the sad, short life of my beautiful KP shawl pin.

Happy knitting.

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