Monday, December 26, 2011

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Mutt Monday

OK, it's not meant to disparage mutts (some of my best friends are cross-breeds) but it is alliterative and true. Because on January 3, the next service dog to be raised/trained is arriving and she's a mutt!. That is, she's a black lab and golden mix (apparently this is the only mix they breed to train.) All we know name-wise is that she comes from an "L" litter (all the litter names will begin with L) and, of course, as a she, she's female. So she'll be Miss L here. I can't wait to take and post pictures. And so, to paraphrase Theoden in that movie series I LOVE: On January 3, it begins.

No movie this Monday so we can all enjoy the official Christmas holiday (or should I say shopping day?) in the US. Except to say that I noticed the rating on You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger this early morning and it's R. Which means no one under 17 is admitted without an adult. Now, we all know that movie ratings in this country are so messed up and the only fast rule seems to be: most violence = PG-13 but even the talk of sex = R. Not that an R rating in any way hurts a Woody Allan movie, but what kid would even want to see YWMATDS? Wacky, wacky country.

Enjoy your day. I hope if you have to work you're getting generous holiday pay.

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