Friday, January 11, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
 Tax the Rich

Knitting Friday

Very little going on for Knitting Friday since it looks like the flu may have struck us. The boy stayed home from school yesterday and either sat at the computer, lay (lay, lie, who cares) in bed with his iPod or took three very long naps. He said: You're treating me like royalty. And I realized this may have been the first day he missed school, ever. 

Anyway, no knitting pictures got taken yesterday since I spent my time carrying food and medicine up to him (that was the royalty part - I made him stay upstairs and rest - and we all had ice cream.) I got a lot of stair-master exercise and cooking done, but not much else.

#1 Done, in fact, done twice
So I'll make this short since you all also may be very busy, hopefully not with the flu. Though that Google map of where the flu is in the US is getting filled up scarily fast.

Two quick progress reports, with pics from last Friday. The top on the left is done. First, I worked 20 rows of stocktinette below the lace pattern at the bottom of the picture. And finished it off with about 10 rows of single crochet done with a J hook. It came out long and flaring. So I ripped back to only 5 rows of stockinette past the bottom lace and using a G hook worked 5 rows of a single crochet hem. It looks better but I haven't tried this version on yet.
#2 When it was tiny

 On the right is the shawl from last week. Right now, it's almost done and I'm debating on the type of ruffle I want to use as the border. More on this next Friday.

And almost finally. The below link takes you to the famous Lenny Kravitz and his  hot, hot scarf, again:

And these links will take you to a knit and a crochet version for it (So it was decided by some Ravelers):



These are Lion Brand free patterns and you have to join to get on their site but that's simple to do.

I would just use the pattern stitches and wiggle the cast on to make it in a huge scarf size. Also, I want to try the crochet pattern since the knit moss stitch is sooo boring while the crocheted version look like it will keep you awake.

#3 Miss L, the puppy days
And really finally, Miss L will be leaving us on January 31 to start her second tier of training. So here's another picture. I tell her she's going on to do good work but her eyes tell me she knows that with us, to paraphrase the boy, she was treated like royalty and the hard work is a-coming.

See you next week.


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