Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings  
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
I'm getting a laptop for my b-day. How do I know? Well, it's sitting behind me on the table as I type. Usually, I don't want anything for my "special day." Oh, I am so good, good, good! But really it's because, as an adult, I can buy anything I need or want whenever. Unlike a kid, I've got the money! So this is the first present that I've asked for in a very long time.
Why?, you ask.. Because I had to lug my regular laptop in its case  with all its wires and cables to a meeting the other day and the laptop alone weighs more than 6 pounds. This new little baby weighs in at 3 and it's half the size. However, ever since this new beauty got set up, my desk top computer (both desk top computers) are running soooooo slowly. Do I blame the new guy on the block or the fact that on Monday DH called Verizon because our wireless printer was wireless all right but refusing to print anything. Verizon, remotely, did something to the settings......... Hmm. Blaming the new laptop or Verizon? My money's on Verizon.
Some all-over-the-place website picks today. I found them all interesting in different ways.
Just a kind deed to watch. I call it one species helping another.
This is just an interesting graphics story. It reminds me of how animation was first done. You can still buy the books with pictures,  where each one is just slightly different than the one before it. You fan the pages in such a way that the pictures fly past and it looks like it's a moving picture.

Always wanting to have on educational TV as the kids walk in the door, I had to sit through a debate at the TX State Board of Education last week about whether to include "intelligent design" in the science textbooks. It's a little spooky to think this is still on the table in the 21st century and to watch the body language of the religious fundamentalists on the Board as scientists (one a prof. from Southern Methodist) argued on the side of science. They were so pissed off that they even had to listen to this. You could cut their disdain with a knife. So I'm including a Q & A from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) about the structure and evolution of the universe and the Big Bang. These are questions you probably never thought necessary to be answered but wait. If TX, as a leader in textbook sales, sets the standards, pretty soon your kids may be taught that god reached out his hand and created the earth, then he reached out his hand and created......... you get the picture.

OK, some fun. This is all about decorating, moving furniture around, finding storage; you know, all the sort of things I love. Currently, they have ideas for walk-in closets (and the size of some of them is obscene), small spaces to put bookcase ladders and more. Take a look. Every time I read this type of blog, when I'm finished, I feel like I've cleaned my house.

I think I told you that when the internet first "exploded" I was working as a desktop publishing freelancer and dealing with deadlines which taught me so many miraculous features Word Perfect possesses and also how to curse like a sailor. DH would be finding such neat stuff on the web and call me in to see it. I, however, slaving my fingers away on weekends, would decline and just keep typing and editing. Until......... One day, I relented and came in to look at the Michelangelo's paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. I don't mean like the tourists do, looking up and seriously cricking the muscles/bones in their neck. I mean we zoomed right up to where Mikey did the actual painting. It was awesome. And, the internet has been my "right arm" ever since.

360 cities reminds me of the website which got me hooked on the internet. It says of itself: 360Cities is the web's largest collection of stunning, georeferenced panoramic photos, created by a network of thousands of expert panorama photographers from around the world. Our growing community is proudly and lovingly documenting our planet as only people can....360Cities was founded in late 2007 with angel funding. We are a closely knit team of six, living and working in Prague, Czech Republic and committed to bringing panoramic photography to the mainstream.

Just click around. There is so much to see here; so many places to go. Be sure to read the accompanying short blurb for more information and be sure to click "full screen."

That's it for today. Now, I have to track down and cure the mystery of the slow computer. See you next week.



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