Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings 
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
Yesterday, getting my ducks in a row for my picks today I was checking them against my list of all the website picks I've ever used (don't say that I'm not compulsive) since I try not to repeat them. Well, one day in the not so distant past I must have clicked "Yes" for the question "Replace current file?" for I no longer have 4+ years of website picks but only about a few months' worth. However, always finding the rainbow under the pile of manure, I had the time to recopy them all yesterday. Well, recopying just the website picks was a bear but a Control-A, Control-C, Control-V for entire months of blogging went very, very fast. So today. I have over 800 pages of all my blogs together in one file. Minus the pictures that is; they don't copy easily. If I ever decide to write a book; it's already written. Now, I just have to figure out how to get people to read this opus. I heard sex sells.
Let's start with this:
How does he do that? That's like working a knitting pattern but not looking at your work until it's done. How does he remember the pattern? I am very impressed.
If you have any interest in art, design, photography...... be sure to explore all of the This is Colossal site at:
OK, I'm still in the movie mode:
Apparently this site celebrates "lustiness." (Which is a synonym for robustness.) A lot of interesting articles taking in current hot topics, politics, movies, etc. Looks like some long, thoughtful articles and a lot of fun fluff. It links to articles from other publications. And, they told me that DC Comics has killed Robin! Waaaaah!
I am fascinated by the visual currently on this website:

It's titled: Visualizing empires decline and it's a fascinating concept to present in this manner. I don't know if it's completely successful but the commenters are very engaged in how this history is presented, offering their advice on making it better, and that's always good. It makes you want to learn more about the subject.

Vimeo is a place for creative people to put up their videos. It's worth it to click "Watch" at the top and then cruise around the categories. I like this kind of site; it's what the internet should promote.

And finally, I'll leave you with some thoughts:

Yes, it's that French guy, Jean Jacques Rousseau. You get his more recognizable quotes in the beginning but scroll down for his thoughts when he put on his very, very serious thinking hat. I especially like the last, pithy one: “Laws are always useful to those who possess and vexatious to those who have nothing.” This guy could really use his noggin'. Just shows you, time can't kill a good idea.
The website is Good Reads which I've picked before. You can always find worthwhile cruising here.
That's it for today. See you next week.


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