Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday

Watching someone die slowly and realizing that without a sudden, unexpected, sometimes violent, event this is the way the human organism shuts down, one baby step at a time, the absurdity of morality and ethics in the human species hits me like a smack in the face. Most of us spend our lives in a struggle for economic survival, in moderate comfort, in obscene comfort or as pompous asses (I'm looking at you, Ted Cruz.) All of us just sifting sands, waiting or not, for a better hereafter. (Wow!  An eternal hereafter. What a depressing thought.) And all I'm culling from this time of care-giving is that we humans are really no different than any other mammalian species. Like the beaver forever building his damn dams, we just do our thing. Only difference, we bolviate constantly, the beaver has the good manners to keep his mouth shut.

Let's start with some literary picks today and a debate:

Is this list really composed of the 50 essential science fiction books? You decide. And be sure to click around this site since it will lead you to so many other great books. Unfortunately, a click on the books listed will only take you to which, say what you will about Amazon, is not the best site for reviews or info about the book.

Here's another debatable list:

Will these novels really disturb the coldest heart? Two I've read from this list and remember well, A Handmaid's Tale and Invisible Man. Tropic of Cancer was disturbing and never finished. American Psycho, I'm not going there but I do think I should approach Game of Thrones. And I have never forgotten that O'Connor story. So take a look. On this page, the book links will take you to Amazon so you can have a lot of reading available to you if you want it.

And now, a picture:

What is that silver-back thinking? What about that baby? Maybe mommy (or daddy) has seen the photographer and is going to investigate (not a smile on that face) or maybe she/he is abandoning the tyke. Do gorillas do that? The setting, the mist, the disparity in size; it's a picture which talks to me. You too?

I'm pretty sure I've posted MNN before but I had to share this page. What magnificent landscapes. If there is a Mother Nature she must be constantly shouting at humans: Stop crapping up my home!

This next site shows an unbelievable (to me, at least) way to create art on the edges of book pages:

It's called fore-edge painting and the page has three silent videos, one of which "creates" this art before your eyes. For more information on just what fore-edge painting is, click the link and Wikipedia will explain all.

Well, that's it for today. See you next week.



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