Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
Things may have taken a turn for the worse last evening (as opposed to being just an isolated incident) and DM said during the worst of the pain (she's still amazed by the pain with heart problems) that while she has always wanted to die, all she wanted last night was for the pain to end and to feel better. Once again, she understands what's going on, embraces what's going on, on an intellectual level, but striped down I guess all mammals live on a visceral level and maybe that level never gets convinced that it's time to let go.
Hospice nurse comes today so we may know more.
In the last 24 hours, I broke the microwave (2 years old) and tore down my closet clothes rack system (not intentionally.) So once again, I'm living amid a mess; though a new microwave has been installed. (GE would not sell us the cheap plastic/metal part which broke - the door opener - but will give us $25 towards a new GE. Yeah right, I'm just aching to run out and buy another crappy GE product - 2 years and the microwave door latch breaks!)
Let's start with pictures I found interesting this week.
This is another "Wow" picture for me. Then be sure to go to the Home page:
and just click around.
I didn't start with the Home page of Where Cool Things Happen, which is here:
I started here:
which has pithy, funny, perfectly timed photos. Good for chuckles and "Wows".
Once again, just don't stop at this page, look around.
OK, enough with the pictures, let's get cleaning!
Yes, your mom was right, you have to clean up after messes or else your only future will be on these re-decorating shows where your messy house/room/apartment rivals the town's busiest junk yard and, on national TV, the world gets to see some re-do-it professionals gingerly pick through all your crap and, by the end of the show, leave you with house/room/apartment ready for a photo-shot from House Beautiful. (Yeah right! I want these people surprise revisited in 6 months!)
The Fun Cheap or Free Queen has a lot of good tips for fast cleaning on this page. She provides you with a printable weekly cleaning chores chart (Monday looks like a bear) and really has a good idea: tackle just 1 or 2 major cleaning chores a day.
TFCOFQ's site is being re-done (last entry 11/4/13) but click the links for past ideas in, among other things, fashion and food. Yes, she has recipes!
And finally, this:
which supposedly will get you out of data-tracking. (You know, like when I visit a site on knitting and then every damn site I visit after has a knitting ad.) I have no idea if the suggestions presented here will work but they look OK to me and if you have more computer/web knowledge than I, take a look. It may be very helpful.
That's it for today. See you next week. And yes, there will be Knitting Friday this week.
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