Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
It's Wednesday again and the hospice nurse comes. DM is watching Time of Death on Showtime. The hospice nurse, when she heard, asked: Why? But apparently she's finding some comfort from it. She's getting some solace, some answers, and has said she was surprised to hear a patient on the show say that there was so much pain in dying. DM, as a heart failure patient, didn't think there would be pain but is experiencing it.
Is there any such book as a Diary from the Dying? People leave uplifting thoughts, histories of their lives, but what about chronicles from them to others documenting living during this final time? Probably that's asking too much.
Oh, and if this Affordable Care website is really more complicated than the Minotaur's labyrinth to navigate, as people are saying, then it's just another example of Obama's "I really don't care" style of governance. Because good, uncomplicated websites are not rocket science and, hey guys, the internet has been around for a long enough time that you could have found a highly competent web page designer in a heartbeat. No way should this administration have created such confusion with its website.
And now, with Affordable Care sign-up a mess, with my own life as watching sands spill from the hourglass, I present jokes, because you gotta laugh:
I don't know why these jokes are labeled lame; some are quite good like, a rope walked into a bar........ in a puny way or A housewife takes a lover....which works in your "I didn't expect that" way.

I'm sure that I used the following site before but a quick search didn't bring up this page from May:

(I used the word "man" to search and I did learn that I use the word "human" way too often.)

This page gives you books men should read because, as the author says, men don't read that much. Is this true? Two things about this list: 1: I've read a lot of these books and 2: I do like the link to Amazon for each selection because, reading carefully, you can get some great reviews on Amazon. Take a look.


Ok, here's how this goes: National Geographic's 2013 Photo Contest deadline is November 30th but they allowed this blogger for The Atlantic to see the entries and he has chosen 39 of them to display on his blog. So while you will be looking at NG entries, the real winner may not be among the pictures you see here. But I'm never disappointed looking at entries in this contest. Hope you won't be either.
And now for some serious stuff:
We all know even good computers give up the ghost one day, hopefully after we have backed up all the data on the hard drive. Here are tips for recovering this data if, by the slimmest chance you forgot to back-up. Though I'm a novice in this field, even I get a confident feeling reading this walk-through. Take a look. But, more important: back up your data.
I can't believe I'm posting this next site:
I'm giving Utah a plug! Utah, home of some very scarey right-wing thinking. But also home of some of the most amazing natural wonders, probably in the world. And, you get to pan the scenes! Watch out for dizziness but take a look. This stuff is amazing. 
That's it. It's getting late. See you next week.


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