Friday, August 14, 2009

Medicare For All

The Huffington Post leads with an article about income inequality in the U.S. where they report: Income inequality in the United States is at an all-time high, surpassing even levels seen during the Great Depression, according to a recently updated paper by University of California, Berkeley Professor Emmanuel Saez,

Other bloggers say we are past the point of meaningful health care reform in the U.S. I don't know. Capitalism fettered can work; we, however, we have capitalism unchecked. I think I'm looking for the pony under the manure but I would like to keep hoping.

Knitting Friday

It wasn't until I awakened at 10 a.m. (well, that was after wake-ups at 1 a.m., 3 a.m., and 4 a.m. for my ridiculously early breakfast) and did a final rubbing of the sandman out of my eyes that I realized that I must be on vacation.

Then I discovered that my camera accompanied by a human had gone on a long photo shoot. Unfortunately, said camera departed with my knitting shots for today.

Oh well, I did tell you this was a vacation day. (First sleeping late in 10 years. I wonder if that's a Guinness Record?)

So I am going to pack in my Knitting Friday blog fairly quickly and discover other things you are supposed to do on vacation.

First, to report: the black shawl is done. And, yes, a picture will follow. What did I discover? About 100 rows in I took a good look at the pattern. OK, it was my own creation but the damn thing was going so slowly and in no way was this shawl going to turn out as a "Wow" creation.

Guess what happened next? Rip it! Rip it! I picked up a K hook and in an hour I had more done than the one I had just frogged. Within two days, the shawl was done. It was then I realized why I hadn't looked for a black shawl to wear all summer: it's too formal looking. Too evening. But it looks good and it's done.

On Shrugs: Yesterday, I would have said "Never again." to them. I had spent the entire week attempting and riping shrugs. Too big. Too ugly. Nothing worked. And I tried them all. But hope is eternal and there is one more (and I mean only one more) shrug attempt in the near future. Not one of those "smart" ones where you knit in one piece with no seaming. This last attempt with be a lace rectangle (again!) with added cuffs.

And now, let me leave you with Lion Brand patterns:

All Lion Brand patterns are free at this time. This may change so do your searching ASAP. People report the site has gotten very slow and sometimes is not reachable because of all the hits.

When you get your list of patterns, search for "Download" in the list. These are the patterns which were "Downloadable after Paying" before.

I must have gotten on before the rush because I got to look at all the patterns I wanted to. However, I didn't find anything I hadn't seen in other places where they were offered for free, always. Disappointing. You may be luckier than I.

Happy searching and knitting.

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