Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Medicare For All

Ted Kennedy died. I’m not one to believe that the hero myth will take you far but perhaps, just perhaps, someone close to Obama could say at this time: Ted Kennedy was a champion of national health care reform, what say we use his death to return some focus and fire to this issue and regain the talking points. Just saying. Unfortunately, the capitalistic quagmire trumps the hero every time.

Website Wednesday

This is newsletter prep week for me and I’ve decided that this week, once a month, sinks into a black hole every time. Ask me what I did this week and I would answer: I had a large dose of angst. But the baby is now in draft stage and out for proofing. So for the short time I have before the corrections hit my e-mail: I’m free.

And in keeping with this silly, school girl giddy I’m enjoying right now, let’s have a fun website:

Now the name, Daily Cognition, belies its contents. It’s not daily but current being about a week behind in postings and you don’t want to use cognition in its most formal sense of: A term referring to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension, including thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem solving. These are higher-level functions of the brain and encompass language, imagination, perception, and planning..”

Because it’s all fun and silly and interesting and bizarre and worth it. The web subtitle is: Blog of Unusual and Funny News Worldwide. And it is.

Take a look at at Top 10 Funniest Typos Ever, for example.

You know what’s coming but it’s still funny.

Daily Cognition has text, videos, pictures, all types of mediums you can put up on a web site.

Watch a video of a fire extinguisher fight in a Russian subway. Dig into the archives (Monday, 31 Mar 2008) for: This Is What ____ Looks Like! (Amusing Pictures) and tell me that you didn’t crack a smile here. Or get serious with The 25 Greatest Action Films Ever! (Sunday, 22 Jul 2007) Don’t know if I agree that Die Hard is #1 though.

This is a site to cruise. Don’t like one entry? Try another. Some thing (many things) you’re going to like is here.

Still have some spare time? Click on the “Play Free Games.” The playing screen is smallish but the games are legit. Some links are broken; some games are not in English, which makes instruction reading impossible for me. (Yes, I know, my inability to know another language puts me in the ugly American category.) A lot of the games are old favorites: Grow, Poker, Hangman. Oh, and did I learn that I'm bad at pool. Probably should have read those instructions first.

So bookmark this site for its fun and try to return often.

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