Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Medicare For All

OK, I told you this was a banner in progress. I like “Medicare For All” better than "Single Payer National Health Care Now." It’s so much simpler. They didn’t invent KISS (keep it simple, stupid) for nothing. I think Obama would have done much better if he had brainstormed the catch-phrase for his national health reform push early on. The whole world knows that Americans like it simple. I won’t go into the stupid part.

Website Wednesday

Oh, I was so smug a half hour ago. I had my website picked and was ready to go. It was a history site; a lot of pictures, time-lines, etc. That was good. Then I went to their points-of -view page where they claimed to have a diversity of opinions. But I really didn’t see a diversity (as defined as differing from one another); I saw points of view without refutation. To me, this is always a very dangerous way to learn.

So while I was willing to stretch your minds again (after last Wednesday) even though you deserved a fun site this week, I wasn’t willing to promote this site.

It soon became frantic time: What to do? Help! Help!

Remember that old Paul Newman movie, The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! ? Well, the Russians did come and come to my rescue. Not only is this site Russian but it could almost be considered a “fun” site. - the site of Yuri Matrosovich

Clicking above will get you to a light blue page with a centered small icon of what I see as a felled pine tree which perhaps has a bullet hole in it.

Your choices are on the bottom. If you read Russian, click the blog; it’s up to date. Or click to get pictures of signs, post boxes, cars, doors, manholes...... from around the world. Yes, these are mundane subjects. But not everything coming from Russia is the Battle on the Ice.

Matrosovich takes you on a Moscow by Car tour. See if you are amazed, as I was, at the cleanliness of the place. Other photos take you to places around the world.

But don’t leave before you click Alco. This is The Museum of Anti-Alcohol Posters from the Soviet era. Each photo has an English translated caption. I had always heard that Russia had a serious alcohol problem. I didn’t know they tried to tackle it this way.

Now I, a photographer who always gets a big chunk of ceiling in every shot, may be no judge of photos. But I think this site is definitely worth a look. Look at a visit as promoting glasnost. Remember that?

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