Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Website Wednesday

I try to get my facts straight. I try to untangle urban myths whenever I can. So I was hesitant to talk about Cato the Elder. You know, that Roman statesman so named to distinguish him from Cato the Younger; the Roman equivalent of our: Big Guy, Little Guy.

I had always remembered that Cato included in every Senate speech the phrase: Carthage must be destroyed. Like he would be talking about the wheat harvest: Blah, blah, blah, and Carthage must be destroyed. With “the Google”, I was able to confirm that my memory was correct. Good old Cato twisted the sword in the Roman consciousness every time he spoke and, sure enough, one day they thought collectively: Say, this guy has something here. Maybe Carthage should be destroyed.

Of course, Cato goaded the Romans into the third Punic War against Carthage in which Rome would finally destroy that nation.

OK, before you ask: where it all this going?: I’m trying to think of a pithy saying for each posting page regarding national health care reform in the U.S. You know how I believe hope for reform fades each day as we move forward into that long, grueling and seemingly never-ending season of campaigning when doing the right thing runs smack against the pathetic supplicant genuflect politicians make to wealthy lobbyists - insurance, health-care providers, and pharmaceutical - for needed campaign funds. Even I am not naive enough to believe that the good guys win in that shoot-out.

And so I wrack my brain cells for a Catoesque quote. If you have any suggestions, please send them along.

All of which, probably by stretching the logic like taffy, morphs into my website pick:

You know I like logic, cripes, I tell you enough times, and I want to learn as many new things as I can. 'Cause when I’m engaged in my typical conversations of: Say, did you try out that new restaurant? I want to pithily retort with: Did you know that Firefox has 25 new, great features? Let me start with number one...... I do know how to clear a room. And I love annotated lists.

Brainz gives you annotated lists. Hordes of lists ranging all over the map. You don’t like reading about the world’s most prominent atheists you can read about Oprah’s top 12 mistakes, lies and embarrassments or about the Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush breakup.

Brainz says of itself: Brainz is a different kind of website. We go deeper. We are all about engaging your brain from multiple angles and stimulating your mind with fun, unique, interesting, challenging, thought-provoking, and funny content. Our goal is to provide you with all of the information you could possibly want, but to go as deep as possible, giving you lots of different ways to dig deeper and explore the topic. From games and quizzes to gadgets and software, Brainz has you covered.

Stay tuned: we're only just getting started.

It does what it promises, but it has no “About Us” page. So although I know many of their facts are accurate, I can get no handle on their POV, if they have one. There is sourcing for a lot of items but, as you can probably guess, I would like more. So, as with all information you read anywhere: reader be aware.

Having said that: Enjoy. It’s an entertaining, informative site. It’s an up-to-date site because beyond the lists is has a “light” breaking news section* with items such as: Obama’s birthday plans, Demi Moore’s “mohawk” and the Cash for Clunkers program.

OK, got to go and channel Cato to see if he can help with my pithy health care reform bon mot. See you Friday.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. Each Brainz page pops up with the black and white picture of a brain at the top. Don't let it bother you. After 6 viewings of Pirates 3 (Sparrow in cell on Davy Jones' ship scene) I didn't even notice it.

*This section is sourced.

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