Monday, November 2, 2009

Jon Corzine for New Jersey Governor

The New Jersey election for governor is tomorrow and I think it’s important that we don’t elect Republican Chris Christie.

I don’t know if New Jersey is fixable but I do know that Chris Christie is not going to fix it. He may pull a sleight of hand like Christie Whitman and do funny stuff by borrowing from the state workers’ pension fund so that the deluge of debt occurs after his tenure.

But there’s something else that bothers me about Christie. He has the arrogance of a prosecutor, a judge, a sheriff. The shrug of the shoulder he gives reporters which accompanies his answer of: So what? when he’s questioned about unsavory deeds is not the reaction of a man who understands the workings of a representative democracy and its accountability.

Remember, we, as a country, are just about clawing our way back from the abyss of eight years of totalitarian governmental thinking.

So think beyond your pocketbook in this election. So think beyond the latest corruption convictions and remember power and money corrupts all parties.

Ask yourself this question: Do I really want to reward the Republicans with this plum prize of New Jersey?

Because that’s what you’re doing. Once your anger at rising taxes and venal politicians has abated, you’re going to wake up in bed with Chris Christie and all sorts of Republican political thugs.

You and New Jersey are not going to be the better for it.

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