Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pass National Health Care With Public Option Now

Website Wednesday

Just to finish my review of Frost/Nixon from Monday. I did get to see the rest of the movie and it did hold up. It got a little dramatic when Nixon's aide stopped the interview and I don't know if that really happened. I do know Frost wrote a lot about the background to the interviews and that Nixon did make late night phone calls (another dramatic scene) so perhaps the drama shown did occur.

And on to Website Wednesday:

This is probably my most unusual choice yet. It's French (nothing unusual there) and it's all videos. That's the unusual part since the site says of itself:

The Hyde Tube
is an international data bank that allows to see on one single website short films directed by hundreds of directors likely to direct commercials, music videos and virals.

The films or clips that you submit to The Hyde Tube must be original works directed by yourself. The films or clips should not last more than 3 minutes without title nor credits. To submit a film, you imperatively must choose a pseudonym different from your last name and from your company name.

The jury will screen films once a week in order to make selections.

Clients will contact The Hyde Tube in order to pass on a project to a specific director, who is then free to decide whether or not to accept it.

So, it's really not a site set up for the general public but it's out there for all of us and it's well worth clicking about the videos. They're short, many are wacky, all of them are clever.

Taking just two, Mrs. Saylor and Mr. Zolrack, with the first you get some interesting photo-shopping, with the latter you get a cartoon dilemma of two sidewalk building posters.

These videos are all by aspiring directors hoping to achieve a standing in their profession. You may get to see future "hot" talent here. For sure you'll get to see the work of some very creatively talented people.


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