Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pass National Health Care With Public Option Now

Website Wednesday

A dismal, rainy day in NJ as opposed to a rainy day without the fog and dank. It's all half-days this week for school so I have about a little over one half-hour free time.

First, the website I didn't post, due to time constraints, last week:

As I said, this is a throw-away website, not really for Website Wednesday this time but I'm including it because of this picture linked above.

I have a very problematic kitchen layout. You enter the door from the living room foyer area and to your left are the dishwasher, sink, stove, counter and cabinets. To the right and perpendicular to the above is the fridge with a counter and cabinet just beyond it and just beyond that is the door to the dining room.

So when I saw this picture with the cabinet on the right of the door (my dining room door), I thought: I could do this. My counter area is even smaller than the picture. Maybe I could buy a ready-made piece of furniture. After all, this counter/cabinet is a distance from the sink counter/cabinet. Maybe I don't need granite here.

So this is the site I didn't get a chance to list last Wednesday. I love this site and it will be my Website Wednesday pick soon.

But for this week, it's:

The "About" tells us:

This site is inspired by The Big Picture, a photo blog for the Boston Globe/, where entries are posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by Alan Taylor.

The Big Picture is intended to highlight high-quality, amazing imagery – with a focus on current events, lesser-known stories and, well, just about anything that comes across the wire that looks really interesting.

The Big Foto is also intended to highlight high-quality imagery that people want to share through Internet:

The Big Foto is not about news but about every small beautiful things that surround our lifes, from a drop to the universe.

This site is developed by JoaquĆ­n Duaso.

This is both a visually and verbally must-see site.

For example, scroll down to Stonehenge for a short article. Click at the end of the article to listen to Celtic music. Then click "More pictures" at the bottom of the Stonehenge picture for 25 visually stunning photos of this ancient landmark.

There is so much good stuff here. Click through "Categories" for old favorites and new photographic friends.

Sorry, I can't spend more time describing this site for you but you don't need me.

You know the drill. Enjoy.

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